Power of Self Confidence – Part 2…

Hi everyone,

How are you all going with your Self Confidence this week?… With my bodily issues continuing, fatigue has been the main dish on the menu so I allowed my Self Confidence to fluctuate somewhat. Although it tends to slow me down it doesn’t stop me, and though it makes reaching goals harder and more challenging, it makes me more determined to keep going! Pulling out all stops to stay on top of things, I constantly checked myself and closed each door to any thought of doubt or fear that tried to enter – using several other Powers. Wasteful and negative thoughts keep us stuck in negative patterns so the Powers to Pack up, to Discern and to Face were very useful for me.

As Self Confidence is based on our own stories and not on those of others, in order to strengthen this Power it’s essential that we continually create our own stories, built with our own actions. Trying to gain Self Confidence based on the actions of others, is like trying to live the life of someone else – it simply does NOT work. Self Confidence is strengthened only through our own repetitive positive actions – not through the life of someone else nor merely through our thoughts or words. Indeed, any success starts with thoughts, ideas and dreams – but if we only talk about it without putting it into continual action, our momentum slows to a halt, our dreams will break up like a puff of smoke and our Self Confidence will be mirrored accordingly. Not only will I start believing that dreams cannot be turned into reality, I will start to believe that I do not have the Courage or Self Confidence to pull it off. Beware the self-fulfilling prophecy!

We are our own worst enemy when we entertain self doubt – it stifles creativity, it stifles possibilities and it stifles growth. When we doubt our own ability we will not want others to succeed, but when we trust our own ability we will know how to live and so we will not hinder the progress of others, but instead we will help them move forward – this is Self Confidence. Self Confidence – like many of our inner Powers – is an Art and well-worth investing our time in.

Questions to churn on:

– Do I invest time and energy in building my own Self Confidence?

– Do I vigilantly close all doors to wasteful thoughts that try to enter?

– What other Powers can I use to strengthen my Self Confidence?

Lesson: Don’t compare yourself with others – BE the best YOU that you can be and simply keep going!

Have a wonderful week everyone and remember… KEEP SHINING!

Lots of love Annemarie

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