Power of Realisation – Part 2
Hi Everyone,
Another interesting week as I get over another week of illness – this time a severe stomach bug that left me exhausted (though still smiling). While I was convalescing I came across several short articles and what stood out for me were two things in particular – two realisations that helped me take another leap forward with faith and with happiness.
Firstly, what I noticed while reading some of these articles was the amount of advertising strewn around the page. What struck me about these marketing ploys was the feeling of ‘urgency‘ portrayed in the messages – giving you a distinct feeling of ‘missing out‘ – luckily I didn’t buy into it. Though for me I guess it became a positive transformation as I used their wording to rectify my own feelings of ‘missing out‘ due to all the bodily challenges I’ve experienced the last few years – reduced mobility, pain and frustration of not being able to do things I used to be able to do. What I realised is this – how easily we can get sucked into believing that we are ‘missing out’, leaving us to experience inadequacy at it’s core – while the world spins faster and people want more – but are willing to give less. This certainly helped me to snap out of feeling sorry for myself and that I was ‘missing out’ – remembering that everything happens for a reason and that there is benefit in everything – even illness.
Secondly, these articles shared different personal issues – each mentioned how things ‘happened to them’. I wondered about the many people who are making so much effort to make self change but are unaware of where they sabotage themselves… When we speak about things that have happened in a way that it becomes very personal to us (by adding ‘me’), we will have difficulty letting go of it. For example rather than say ‘this happened to ME’ or ‘why is this happening to ME?’ or ‘why are you doing this to ME?’ simply change it to ‘it happened’ or ‘what is happening?’ or ‘what are you doing?’. This prevents the feeling of anything being personally directed at me. When it “happened to me” I take it very personal, I will struggle letting go and transformation will take much longer and is usually more painful, than necessary…
There is much power or disempowerment in our language – how we speak to ourselves and others. Realising the power in the words I use gives me control – I can’t change others or how they speak – but I can change ME through my language and my attitude – and thereby change my life.
Questions to churn on today:
— What do I do when I belief that I am missing out or being left behind (how do I behave)?
— Do I say things like ‘this happened to ME’?
— Is my inner language (which becomes my outer language) limiting or unlimiting?
You know, many of today’s problems in our oh so mixed up world – one of contrasts and extremes – is because we worry so much about ‘missing out’ and because we don’t check our own language. Contrasts are good – it gives us the understanding and appreciation of all it’s beauty and wonder, despite the ugliness and limitations. We can contribute much peace to our environment when we pay just a little attention to our own attitude – what has become ‘normal’ is by no means ‘natural’. Anger for example is very normal today yet not very natural for our originally peaceful nature – any wonder we become so confused. Realise that you are a wonder, that the world is a wonder and simply enjoy the ride by keeping a check on your language.
I will be in Melbourne for two weeks again to help out with my mum, so I look forward to reading your stories while I rug up brrrrrrr!
Love Annemarie