Power of Positive Thought – Part 2…
Power of Positive Thought

Hi everyone, I thought I would start with this quote from Friedrich Nietzsche
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could not hear the music”

You know, sometimes when life gets you down and there doesn’t ‘appear’ to be a friend in sight, what do you do? Do you become despondent and start seeing the negative side of life (maybe even take it out on others) or do you remain unaffected and tread on regardless? Not an easy task when you’re feeling heavy hearted… However, when we allow ourselves to tap into our inner song, our inner dance uplifts us and upholds that inner positivity. This is a wonderful time to remember our inner resources, it enables us to let go of dependence on others for our happiness.

I’ve been working through some rather personal issues and found myself navigating some old limiting emotions and habits – sadness, helplessness and worst of all guilt – to name a few. Sometimes in the process of self transformation others may not understand, accept, support or even like certain decisions you may need to make in order to empower yourself. The Power of Positive Thought reminds me to keep going regardless – but with a positive attitude – or no-one benefits. Exercising several Powers to uphold Positivity has therefore been a necessity for me. Using Courage, Detachment, Self Respect, Silence, Compassion and Humility, I managed irrational thoughts and emotions that kept rising to the surface…

Sometimes we have to make choices that no-one else understands, but to allow the non-acceptance of others to eat away at us is negative in itself, it stops us from remaining practical at which point we become emotional – not very positive or constructive for anyone. Allowing negativity to take control undoes all our own hard work – in fact, it can actually become quite destructive if we don’t pay attention. It’s no good to waste energy looking at the negative side of what can’t be done, it’s much more beneficial to look at the positive side of what CAN be done!… So never give up!… Highly successful people keep dancing, even if no-one else can hear the music!… And so I danced!… In the small space of our caravan and the limitations of my bodily movements – I danced!… I swayed my body and danced in mind till my heart was content – aaaaggghhh!…. I was then able to let go – let go of expectations and let go of worrying about what others thought of me.

Questions to churn on today:

— Do I uplift others or weigh them down?…

— When was the last time I danced – even if only in my mind?

— What other Powers and methods might be useful in helping me stay positive?

Dancing is such a wonderful way to regain a positive outlook – just like singing and whistling. Did you know that it is very difficult to be negative when you sing or dance or whistle (I’ve received some ‘odd’ looks recently as I’ve been whistling on my morning walks or riding my bike or at the shops – I’m simply experimenting with different ways to stay positive :)… What helps you stay positive?

Look forward to receiving your contributions and hearing your stories of adventure and experimentation 🙂

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