Hi everyone, thank you again for your stories about Patience – sounds like it’s been another challenging one for many. It becomes much easier when we see these challenges as beneficial – how else do we grow and become wise if we keep living in our little comfort zone with nothing to challenge our thinking, nothing to challenge our beliefs and nothing to challenge our attitude?
I sat some major tests the past couple of weeks regarding Patience in context of relationships and health – as mentioned previously. Some I past, some I failed, some I’m still working through – without beating up on myself 🙂 What I began to realise once again was this – it wasn’t just Patience I needed with certain lessons, but had to find ways to ‘mix and match’ my powers with the individual situations. As much as I needed to practice Patience, I also needed Tolerance, Courage and lots and lots of Silence – in order for me to understand Patience and to make it firm in my life. I also became aware of the subtle differences yet equally subtle similarities between Patience and Tolerance – two virtues that people often get confused. When we use the wrong Power it can be like trying to use a hammer to saw a piece of wood in half – it won’t work, or at the very least, it will be unnecessarily difficult and extremely exhausting.
Through consistent practice we learn how to Discern and Judge which Powers to use at certain times to make life easier and enjoyable. For example, if I’ve been truly tolerant of someone’s ‘difficult behavior’ and they simply will not budge, I may need to use my courage to ‘face’ the situation head on with Love and Compassion (for them and myself) understanding that patience happens when I am tolerant without becoming a doormat, which is why couragous was definitely needed. Being tolerant of someone else’s weakness and my own, stops me from crossing that slippery boundary where I go from tolerance to ‘putting up with’ stuff. When I put up with someone else’s non-sense, I renounce my Power of Patience and I get hurt – I become frustrated and angry – at them and at myself… Not very empowering for anyone involved.
My point is this – we have so many powers – some stronger than others, but we each have many. The more I consolidate them into my daily living, the easier it becomes to evoke whichever Power or Powers I need at any particular time – no need to ‘fumble around in the dark’. It’s perfectly ok to evoke more than just the one power, in fact, we would be doing ourselves and those around us a disservice if we don’t experiment with our individual Powers and see which work well individually or as a collective synergy. Patience does not mean I compromise my own growth by allowing the limiting behavior of others to hold me back – that’s just an excuse to point the finger of blame outside myself because I may be afraid to step out of my self imposed comfort zone. No matter how nice or how horrible someone behaves – Patience teaches me that it’s nothing personal – that their limiting or destructive behavior has absolutely nothing to do with me. If they choose to remain stuck that’s a personal choice, that with Patience I don’t need to get involved in… I can simply step back – out of reach of their negative vibration – and I won’t be affected!
Here’s your stories in little nutshells 🙂
– Technology (computers in particular) but ‘inanimate objects’ of any kind such as machinery – seem to be testing many….. (including me)
– Recognition of the Teacher within these tests…………. (Well Done!)
– Many are recognizing it pays to sometimes walk away, breathe – perhaps do something else – then come back to the task when calm………… (This is a very effective and practical tool).
– Frustration when plans or desires don’t quite work out as intended – identifying the need for patience and understanding that all happens in good time – no forcing of any kind due to own expectations or agenda………. (Congratulations)
– Seeing a shift in energy when able to show patience to self and others……….
– Understanding the power in simply recognizing when being impatient, enabling change – even small……. (This is huge 🙂
– Some also recognized being afraid of own powers……. (Again, this is wonderful – pat yourselves on the back)
– Identifying patterns of impatience that leads to self sabotage.
– Not taking shortcuts is another big area many noticed they lost patience and became frustrated……. (Well done to those who managed to transform this into something positive).
– Patience needed for being out of comfort zone and learning to accommodate others (including their pets) – that it takes time to build trust and mutual respect…… (great arena for learning)
– Hind-sight is a wonderful thing…….. (Better when it becomes fore-sight 🙂
– Turning narcissism and negativity into cooperation and possibilities………(Excellent!!!!!)
– Patience needed for mending broken hearts and broken relationships – fragmentations and voids in life………. (Gentleness with Self Respect helps here)
– Detachment with patience helps to let go of attachments and trying to ‘find stuff to fill’ voids….. (Best to fill with own power rather than look for external things to fill)
– Being present – not living in the past or rushing to the future……(Another empowering area, well done again)
– Learning when to sit back to ‘be’ and when to take action
– No more ‘trying’, simply learn to ‘do’………. (love this one – awesome recognition of disempowering thoughts (when we ‘try’ we unconsciously have already given up before actually ‘doing’.
Well done again everyone keep up the wonderful work. We are back on the road at present – on our way to Sunshine Coast for a month, so will do my best to keep the Powers Study Group as consistent as possible…. Create another amazing week.
Lots of love Annemarie