Black Swan

Power of Knowledge – Part 3…

Hi Everyone,

Here’s just a quick one to finish our latest wonderful power, as we are back on the road and don’t have much reception. I’m sitting here at beautiful St Lawrence at a free camping spot, the sun is shining bright and our solar panels are doing their job. Even though the body is already aching from yesterday’s drive and the cold night air, I certainly appreciate life and my role in it. Programs are starting to fill up and soon will be very busy again as we head towards the Sunshine Coast. So I’m loving this bit of time out, between the kangaroos, kingfisher birds, black swans and lizards. The sunsets here are amazing here and the open space for hooping to keep my body from seizing up, is awesome. Though I have to say, this free spot (which is normally pretty quiet when we travel) is currently looking like a small caravan city, with all the ‘grey nomads’ on their way north to escape the winter cold 🙂

Here are your contributions this month, thank you to those who make effort each month to actively respond – it’s always appreciated. Remember, the more you put into something the more you get out of it – studying for self progress and empowerment is no different 🙂

Some found this power a challenge and others found it easy ……………… (not unusual with any of our powers,)

— Remembering that we’re ‘all peaceful souls’ ……………….. (Yes, this always helps me too 🙂

— Several have recognised the importance of practicing this power, to stop them from getting ‘sucked in’ to negative situations…………………. (Great recognition, very empowering!)

— A great power to practice to stay ‘neutral’ and to be ‘reminded that they’re not responsible for how others behave’ ………………. (Well done!)

— Some used other powers to help them out, such as Discernment, Packing Up, Withdrawing, Compassion, Silence and Tolerance ……………… (Love this!!!!!)

— The “genuine experience of self knowledge is most beneficial reward for practicing it”. Ability to refine and polish own ‘rough edges’ of outer personality. Ability to create clearer connection with inner world………………… (Wow, brilliant 🙂

— Some have taken their “eye off the ball and watched it roll away” but continued using their powers to help them through………… (Self acknowledgement is also very empowering, well done!)

— Many are recognising more and more ‘the power in applying what they are continually learning’ and how easy knowledge slips away when we don’t practice……… ……..(Thus is the Power of Knowledge – so proud of all of you 🙂

— Not giving up or giving in, but learning to “find different ways to look at the things that cause issues” and learning to “look for different ways to apply what’s learnt” ……….. YES!!!)

So remember everyone, a knowledgeable Soul is one who understands and accepts that their speaking, thinking and doing must all match – not to think one thing say something else and do something else altogether. And always keep this in mind – courage is not the absence of fear but to act despite fear. The same goes for applying our powers (in this case, knowledge). Challenges will come, they are our best tests, so don’t think that you’re not doing enough or that your powers aren’t working. They always work when applied, sometimes we may just need to try it from different angles… But, this I know for sure – imagine how difficult any particular situation could have been had you NOT practiced your power at any given time 🙂

Keep up the wonderful self work – not only do we benefit but those around us will too. So pat yourselves on the back and simply keep going… You’re going to love the next power (not always an easy one but powerful indeed).

Lots of love Annemarie

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