Hi Everyone,
A short finish to this wonderful Power, as I’m left wondering how each of you went with it… Did anyone gain benefit?… Did anyone experience difficulty applying it?… What were your individual experiences?…
Unfortunately I’ve not received any contributions for this months power. Perhaps winter has set in and everyone has gone into hibernation… Perhaps reducing my emails of support from 4 times a month to 3 times a month has ‘thrown’ you a little (a good opportunity to check how stable and balanced we are)… Or perhaps we each need to simply ‘check our own intention’ as to why we are part of this group. Although there’s never an expectation for anyone to contribute, it is however an interactive group… I’m aware that we each have ‘busy’ lives, however, wanting to change and reclaim our inner power takes effort – what we put into it is what we get out of it – so NOW is a good opportunity to ‘check’ ourselves 🙂
In a world of ‘doing’ we will always find distractions and stay ‘busy’ (we can always find something more ‘important’ than ‘being’ present and working through our own ‘stuff’). So it’s essential to ‘check and change’ our priorities. If I believe that I AM IMPORTANT, then I must SHOW that in my life or else I will be deceiving myself. Spiritual Empowerment doesn’t just happen and we will get tested on this till the end. I too am extremely ‘busy’ but am determined to make effort for self change and to help those who wish to help themselves – because as Dadi Janki puts it “busyness is for lazy people”…
I am happy to keep going – what about you?… If you feel at any time you wish to opt out that’s fine, after all, we each have our own stories to play out… All I ask is that you let me know by simply sending me a brief email (no questions asked) and I will remove you from the list 🙂
Lots of love Annemarie
ps, I waited till today before sending this email – just in case of any late emails, so will send Power for July in a few days… May you all be happy and healthy 🙂