
Power of Honesty – Part 3…

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all survived the Christmas rush, from what I’m hearing, it’s been rather stressful for many.

So here we are at the end of 2015 and the end of our 50 Powers. Thank you and well done for sticking with it, I know it’s not always easy to ‘look in the mirror’ (but our Power to Face can help us here every time). I used to call mirror work ‘the ugly work’ because it’s not always pretty when facing truth, but you know, it’s also very liberating because then there’s nothing left to hide and life becomes a whole lot easier because it’s lived with  honesty. That’s not to say we don’t have to make effort, of course we do – habits, compulsions and addictions don’t just disappear over night – but at least we don’t have to ‘pretend’ any more. So I now call it liberating myself 🙂

An extra special thank you to those who made effort to contribute on this last power. Not only is it our last one, but it’s also during the most stressful time of the year and it’s also been one of the most difficult to ‘face’ (for many, it’s been the most difficult Power to deal with). So thank you, thank you, thank you, for your honesty and absolute courage. Here are your contributions – many for very similar :)…

  Many found this power the most difficult power they’ve had to look at, but found strength in knowing and accepting this to BE a Power! …………………. (Indeed, we all have this amazing power, albeit weak in most of us – hence our practice – so well done!!!)

  Some have already made this change by recognising and accepting that ‘most of their adult life’ was spent less than honest and ‘living a life’……………….. (So wonderful! So many people in the world are ‘living lies’ and are unaware of it, so big pats on your back)

Now living life as an ‘open book’ and finding it liberating………………….. (Ah Yes, so powerful!!)

  Some found letting external factors like finances or relationships or work influence them, made listening to ‘innate honesty’ difficult. Using other powers like faith, courage, silence, tolerance and discernment has helped them in those times ……………………………….. (Fantastic, well done for reaching for your other powers at times of difficulty – they are your tools to be used practically 🙂

Recognition of the difference between truth and honesty has helped some say ‘no’ – but not without challenge due to habits of people-pleasing and not wanting to ‘rock the boat’ ………………………… (I’m giving you all a huge pat on the back through the ether 🙂 It takes time and effort to overcome these deeply conditioned patterns)

Whenever you’re struggling, know that you’re not alone. But do remember that world transformation is desperately needed and it has to start somewhere. So never think that one person won’t make a difference… It does and it will! So keep up the amazingly powerful work you’re each doing in your ‘own back yard’.

I look forward to ‘see’ you all in the new year, as we begin reviewing all 50 powers already practiced, as a means to strengthen them even more. I’m not sure how I will review them in these newsletters but I’m sure it will happen as it is meant to 🙂

May 2016 bring lots of love, happiness and healing to each and every one of you.

Lots of love Annemarie

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