Power of Honesty – Part 2…
Hi EveryOne,
Mid December, wow! How are you all doing with this wonderful and last power?… I’ve already received several emails – the honesty has been inspiring 🙂
Today, I wanted to dig deeper and view this power from another angle – saying ‘NO’! Did you know that when we say ‘yes’ or ‘sure’ out of compulsion, we are not living honestly? Maybe we say ‘yes’ because we feel we ‘should’ help, yet deep down, we know compulsive behaviour stems from a place of defence. Perhaps it’s because we lack confidence to say or do things that we know to be right (compromising our spiritual power in the process). Perhaps we’re unconsciously feeding a habit of pleasing, or feeding a need to be liked by the ‘right’ people. Or maybe we’re simply stuck in a pattern of saying yes that we’ve forgotten that it’s ok to say ‘no’… If we are to be completely honest with ourselves, we will recognise that to say ‘yes’ or ‘sure’ without thinking it through, means we’re not practicing our Power of Honesty, because we’re not coming from a place of truth if we really want to say ‘no’ but can’t!
Honesty takes confidence! Of course, I’m not talking about outer bravado that cloaks some deeper fears, but confidence that stems from internal courage, self love and self care. If we don’t consistently practice our many inner powers (not just when times are tough but every single day) self confidence will be lacking on many levels – making the word ‘no’ a difficult barrier to transcend. Therefore to succeed in life (honestly) confidence to say NO with a loving heart, must become a priority. In time, the obligatory ‘yes’ or ‘sure’ will fall away from our vocabulary, as we focus on and explore (with honesty) our right to say ‘no’. No longer will we feel the need to proof our worth by saying yes to every request (though it helps to be clear on who we are and how we bring value to the world) – focusing on and practicing our virtues is just one way. Saying ‘no’ to mis-aligned requests – requests that don’t bring benefit or don’t align with our own value – reminds others that we are important, that we have clear priorities and that our work (or whatever we’re undertaking) matters.
So the next time someone asks you for a favour or to help out, don’t just blindly accept it without questioning its value. Practice saying no with confidence in your voice, honesty in your intention and love in your heart. Remember, when we diligently practice self transformation, we will get regular tests – see this as a blessing, not as an assault – and every day you will get better and better 🙂
Questions to churn on:
– Do I have trouble saying ‘no’? To who and why? (is it only with certain people or with anyone?)
When someone asks me for a favour, do I automatically say yes / sure, without questioning it’s value or how it aligns with my worth?
Do I ask favours of others that may not align with their worth?
Honesty in life starts with alignment to our own spiritual worth. Saying yes when we need to say no is dishonest, thereby not upholding our own worth while reinforcing the behaviour of others. This seemingly hurt-less action results in disempowerment, through which we will somehow disempower others (hurt people can and often do hurt other people, though not always intentional). Honesty, no matter how difficult, is and remains the best policy
For those of you who celebrate Christmas, may it be a happy and loving occasion… I look forward to receiving your contributions (self change waits for nothing and no-one).
Much love, Annemarie