Looking back at my post on the 11/11/11 – Flexibility, here’s some recent examples…
Many changes in past week, but when you remain open to wonder… magic is invited to enter. There’s always benefit in everything, sometimes we may not recognise it instantly or we may just need to look a little harder.
For one… instead of being at Avoca Beach, on our way to Tamworth – as originally planned, we arrived today – 7th Feb – at Narooma on our way to Melbourne. A planned program to be run in a town near Tamworth didn’t eventuate but the opportunity to be part of an an even larger event in Melbourne did. Turns out, Tamworth area has also been experiencing storms and flooding, which I wasn’t aware of until after we changed our direction.
Another example… Doesn’t matter where you walk, the ability to change direction instantly is an absolute Power that can safe your life. We were immediately pulled to the present moment, when walking in the bush. A rather large brown snake decided to check our attention, as it slithered it’s way across our path. Stopping calmly (great opportunity for ‘traffic control’ – checking the mind for signs of negativity), allowed for a smooth introduction. The snake went on it’s way… and so did we.
The point is – Planning is important, but letting go of any outcome is essential if you want to live happily and calmly. Flexibility allows you to ‘bend’ with life, without deviating from your journey – just like the snake 🙂