Hi everyone, happy Monday,

Wow I can’t help but feel the help we are receiving from the Higher Power – have you allowed yourself to sit quietly enough to feel it? After many of us were challenged with the last two Powers – Presence and Silence – I sat a while before drawing the next Power, meditating on which one would best serve us next. For some reason as I pulled the card I didn’t feel I gave it justice, only taking a second for doubt to enter and instantly I put it back. Recognising this action I went back into silence to let it go. I meditated on it some more – figuring if it’s meant to be I will draw the same Power… Yep, drew the same one :)… Awesome! I have come to looooove this Power – it was one of my weakest links when I started on my journey of truth. Having lost faith in myself and in the wonder of life I was a little lost boat drifting out at sea – from a happy, trusting person I became untrusting, angry and cynical. But still some truth within would pull me to try again and again – falling flat on my face many times – yet each time I rose I could see a little clearer. I understood that we may not always know (why, how or where) but through persistence and more importantly through believing and applying, I tasted the fruit – it is now one of my strongest 🙂

Our 8th Power is the 17th Jewel – Power of Faith – page 135…

‘Success lies in determination
to keep going no matter what.
Continuing forward, regardless of fear,
prevents us from falling in a rut.
So no matter what others do or say,
no matter what you’ve heard.
Remember that anything is possible,
as possible is not a dirty word.’

** The Power Faith is the ability to see the possibilities and the courage to take them, while trusting the ‘drama’ and letting go of any outcome. To put inner inspiration into action without question or resistance, but knowing deep within that you will succeed. No matter what fear I feel, Faith gives me courage and determination to keep going. No matter what is going on around me, Faith gives me resilience and protection.

** I am the sword… I am hammered into shape as I get placed into the fire then dipped into ice many times. I need grinding, filing and cutting to be shaped into perfection. I am strong and flexible. I listen for what I need KNOWING I will get it, then I take action. I am resilient and determined, I trust the drama at play and if I fall down 10 times, I simply get up 11 times.

** Supporting Virtues: Silence; Trusting; Determination; Presence; Courage; Surrender

– When starting any new project (including self healing) – visualise a positive outcome, prepare then let go of the outcome, do something practical each day towards your aim keeping your eye on the ‘prize’.
– Stop regularly to become silent, bringing yourself back to NOW enabling you to hear your inner voice trust it and act on it – don’t wait for ‘perfect’ time.
– Every time you check yourself, if you notice any negativity or doubt regarding your aim, breathe and become present… change it by surrendering it.

Questions to churn:
1. Do you trust your intuition?
2. Do you allow it to lead you, regardless of the evidence presented?
3. How might strengthening Faith help you in your life?

Happy week, lots of love Annemarie 🙂

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