
Hi EveryOne,

As promised, here is the next Power. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Just to let you know, the book launch was a success and even though it was a very stormy day, those who were meant to be there made the effort to come. Thanks for all your support and well wishes 🙂

I’m writing this Power while I’m resting my body. I came down with a touch of flu (body is telling me to rest) so I’m ‘listening’ and ‘disciplining’ myself to stay horizontal 🙂

Our 47th Power – Power of Discipline…

Discipline is not as hard as we believe,

it gives us strength and courage to achieve.

Creations that may otherwise not grow,

lip service  just stops our inner flow.

So let me use discipline to set myself free,

begin my journey of beauty – back to ME!

** The Power of Discipline is the ability to do what I need to do in order to achieve my preferred outcome.  It enables me to set my goals and gives me strength and courage to take the necessary steps to fulfil my destination and still enjoy the journey.

** I am the Freedom Fighter – I discipline myself to such an extent that I am able to do whatever I choose in my life – freely and lovingly

** Supporting Virtues:  Flexibility, Self Respect, Patience, Enthusiasm, Determination, Courage


1. Write down your goals – start with short ones and make sure they are timely and achievable.

2. Once you’ve worked out a goal/s write down a step by step action plan.

3. Meditation helps with inner discipline. The more disciplined we are internally, the more freedom we experience externally (I shared this tip last month, unbeknownst to me that I would draw Discipline this month – hmm interesting 🙂

Questions to churn:

1. How do I view discipline – easy and helps you fulfil your aims or difficult? Why might I find discipline difficult?

2.  How disciplined am I with my own goals and dreams?

3. How disciplined am I with my own health and wellbeing?

Practicing this Power has seen me finish many goals in my life, that without discipline would have fallen by the wayside – self publishing is just one example. Discipline doesn’t need to be difficult nor do we need to be staunch in our efforts but to remain flexible and open to life’s opportunities that will help us achieve what we set out to do – while using our ability to let go of any expectation. To finish anything with enthusiasm we need to keep it fun and achievable, it’s of no use aiming for unachievable goals – we just set ourselves up for failure – where’s the fun in that?….

Living on the road is another example of needing self discipline, self motivation and self respect in order for Col and I to cooperate with and support each other. ‘Gypsy’ life can be hard work so if we don’t keep it fun and entertaining, then what’s the point. There’s enough stress in the world, let me not contribute to it by reaching for unachievable goals – or worse, reaching for goals that others expect me to reach for. Self discipline is a paradox in that it gives me freedom because it makes me more organised and allows more time to finish any project. You know, when I run workshops and I mention this I often get funny looks 🙂 But when people (in particular, artists) apply this power in their life, I ultimately get positive feedback. Here’s a hint – finish at least one small goal before moving to the next, just to prove to yourself you can do it. Once you become good at setting goals and sticking to action plans, you can then take on several at a time. If any of you are interested, I can help you with this through a goal setting course. It’s online but I’m in the process of fixing the site – so give me a couple of weeks ok.

Happy practicing, lots of love Annemarie

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