More often than not, in life, the pain we experience is caused through our own resistance to change. We may have all these grand thoughts about trying something new, we may even apply one or two ideas we’ve heard about that may be working for others … then comes along an obstacle, then another and another. What’s our immediate reaction?… ‘This isn’t working!!!’ So we give up and go back to our old ways with our outlived beliefs and perceptions of life.

Understanding that the second I issue a challenge to change I will instantly get tested, gives me an opportunity to see it as an opportunity to use my power of determined thought.  Old habits will rise up to see how well I am going with my new goal, as will familiar people and situations that I may not have succeeded with in the past.

We each have many powers – hidden inner treasures, gifts we receive at birth – determination is just one of these powerful jewels laying dormant waiting for us as individuals to activate them. If I don’t remain true to these powers by putting them into practice on a regular basis, I instantly lose value and change becomes difficult. Regularly going within – to see which powers I have gives me an opportunity to cultivate them. If we don’t strengthen them, it’s difficult to live up to our highest potential and it will be difficult to change. Determination = Success!!!

Here are just a few powers to get you churning… Power to be Patient… Courageous… Humble… Flexible… Compassionate… Loving… Content… Calm… Cooperative… Which powers do you have in your treasure store waiting to be noticed?

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