
Hi everyone, Loving greetings from Leura, it’s been a busy few weeks with many retreats being offered each weekend as well as some day retreats during the week. Dealing with people from all walks of life – it pays for the Souls who live here to constantly check and change themselves – in order to remain Loving, Tolerant and Accommodating. Determination and Flexibility is key for many of them. Individually and as a Spiritual Community, we are always learning and growing 🙂

I’ve met so many Courageous Souls on my path of Self discovery, many looking for ways to make permanent change in their life. One thing for sure, we need to regularly remind ourselves (in a gentle way) that CHANGE TAKES TIME!… We need to remain consistent over a long period of time in our steps towards Self Mastery, and our Power of Determination (among many others) will assist us in this goal. Finding ways that work for us to stay on track is fundamental if we are to succeed on our path, ensuring that we learn from our mistakes instead of beating up on ourselves. Today is a short email as we are very busy preparing for a weekend retreat where over 150 guests are expected. Our different Powers will not only help us, it will help those who who have already started to arrive.

Thank you once again for sharing your stories about your experiences with this Power, I hope like me, you gained some benefit from it :)… Here are your contributions…

– Determination has helped many stay on track and in their Self Respect, allowing for positive outcomes….. (Fantastic to hear).

– Some struggled as they found themselves getting caught up with the dictates of others, allowing themselves to be ‘pulled down’…. (Breathe, Let it go and Start again – good recognition, pat yourselves on the back).

– Some, like us, are ‘Gypsies’ and find Determination is a definite Power to practice as it can be challenging living on the road….. (So wonderful to hear, it certainly helps me 🙂

– Had trouble and lost the Power of Determination due to looking to others for approval…. (Another wonderful recognition, never think this is bad, instead pat yourself on the back and simply keep going).

– Depression has made life difficult for some – but are working on strengthening this Power within themselves…. (You have my full support, I am here and so is this community – know you are loved 🙂

– Being like ‘a dog chasing it’s own tail’ made practicing this power difficult, ‘going up then crashing down’ but inspired by these words to keep going….. (Wonderful, again I am here for you 🙂

– Moving house to start fresh, using Power of Determination….. (This is so great well done, I’ll be sure to visit when passing through 🙂

Keep up the amazing work everyone, I know it’s not always easy. However, the more practice, the easier it gets and the easier life gets… This I can say from my own experience, so remember, NEVER give up, Life is too important… And so are you!

Have a WonderFull weekend 🙂 Much love Annemarie

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