Hi everyone – hope you’re all having a happy day 🙂

I celebrated my birthday yesterday – though I still meditated on a Power to help consolidate the Powers practiced so far – I decided not to write on it till today. Another Power I’ve come to learn and love, and one that through practice enabled me to change my life. While my partner was cooking one of my favorite meals for my birthday, I got on the computer to start writing this newsletter. He gently looked up and said “what are you doing?”… I smiled, signed out of my email and began playing with some photos I snapped earlier – I detached myself from the reasons forming in my head as to why I needed to write the newsletter straight away. In the past I may have forced the situation, insisting and rationalising the importance for getting the newsletter done ‘now’. I recognized the test facing me – the one about not wanting to ‘let others down’. I understood the lesson and acted on it to change something in my life, otherwise nothing changes at all. It was a good opportunity to practice detaching and simply enjoy a day off without any guilt – I’m sure many of you can relate to what I’m saying here :)…

Our 9th Power is the 11th Jewel – Power of Detachment – page 89….

‘Detachment is so powerful, it’s way beyond measure,
to have it in our tool belt is a fortune and a treasure.
It does not mean being cold, unloving or unkind,
but saves our lives from getting twisted and entwined.
This Power is to love – yet able to let go,
A point of truth worth nurturing to set the world aglow.’

** The Power of Detachment is the ability to not be attached to anything or anyone – sounds simple enough – but not that easy to apply. Though I can have and enjoy whatever I wish in life, the key is to not experience sorrow or pain when it is gone – appreciating what I have now, for a reason and a season… Everything physical eventually ends, but with endings always come new beginnings. For example, when my children come to visit I’m happy – but when they leave, I’m still happy… I used to cry and saw it as the end of something – making goodbye’s harder than necessary – I now see it as the beginning of something new (for all of us). This doesn’t mean I don’t care (often seen as detachment) – on the contrary. To be able to love them so much yet let them go – without stirring in them, any feelings of guilt or anguish – is the Art of remaining Detached. I keep having faith in the world drama and I keep experiencing positive outcomes. In fact, it’s the complete opposite to what most understand Detachment to be – often thought of as only possible when you renounce everything and live in the forest. No, Detachment means to be the Lotus Flower. It doesn’t mean to disconnect myself from anyone or anything. Actually, it means to be able to completely immerse myself (like the roots of the lotus) in all my relationships and interactions in life, yet let it all go in a second – keeping only love and joy in my heart, balance and clarity in my head, and practicality and contentment in my actions. In other words, Detachment = Unconditional Love!

Open to new beginnings, I the Lotus – the essence of peace and harmony – remain ever-happy regardless of the circumstances. I am able to remain beautiful and fragrant regardless who is standing in front of me and regardless of my environment. I remain ever-loving and ever-sweet, never swayed by empty promises or temporary desires. Placing no conditions on my love, no grief is experienced when the reason or the season ends. Detachment gives me courage to take the reins of my life and to commit to any given moment. It can be scary, but with faith and unconditional love, together with letting go – imagine the endless possibilities and destinations I will experience 🙂 To be able to live smack-bang in the midst of my life – the stagnant waterpond – without being pulled and pushed by any of it – is liberation in life, no shackles of attachment chain me down.

** I am the Lotus Flower… I live in the murky stagnant waters of life, I do not get influenced by my surroundings but take advantage of this ‘mud’ to help me grow. Remaining Detached – I am never touched by what is happening around me – instead I simply remain fragrant and beautiful, allowing others to appreciate and benefit from my simplicity and silence. My love is free and unconditional – no strings attached. I am able to keep giving fragrance without wanting applause – I expect nothing in return,

** Supporting Virtues: Silence, Observer, Strength, Unconditional Love, Serenity, Beauty

1. Throughout your day, regularly check and change yourself – scan yourself for any weakness or destructive thoughts – change it by doing something positive and constructive.
2. If attached to a person or situation, consciously make effort to re-direct your thoughts whenever you catch yourself thinking about them – as this creates an invisible, unwanted string between you. This is a very powerful method that with consistency, brings about permanent change.
3. When you remain detached like the true Lotus Flower – only then will you see your relationships flourish. Rather than chain you and others in expectation and resentment it liberates you from fear, to appreciate all that life brings.

Questions to churn:
1. Do you have difficulty in letting go?
2. What kind of ‘stuff’ are you compelled to get attached to?
3. What do you do to detach yourself? Is it working?… If yes, keep doing what you’re doing, but regularly change it up as to not get bored with it… If no – you’ve just CHECKED it, now CHANGE it!

Happy new beginnings, we could’t be more blessed then to receive the Power to Detach as we enthusiastically and confidently step into a new year. True detachment – not easy in a world of attachment – makes the Impossible, possible!

Create a wonderful day, a wonderful year, a wonderful life – Annemarie xx

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