Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!…

How are you all going with the Power of Detachment?… It’s such a wonderful Power to start 2013. Lets start the year with new resolution and determination, all the while remaining detached from any expectation or outcome. To love without any fear of rejection – simply to practice and experience being loving – without expectation. Not an easy objective but nonetheless possible – do you think it’s worth aiming for if it helps create harmony within and around you?…

Jagadamba (World Mother) aka ‘Mama’ had the ability to show unconditional love to whoever was in front of her. Her cooling ‘Power of Detachment’ was so strong that her warming ‘Power to Love’ had absolutely no strings attached. Detachment and Love are a bit like yin and yang – you must be in control of one in order for the other to thrive. It’s not about disconnecting from the world but rather to remain a detached observer of life – while BEing, GIVing and DOing with unconditional love. Jagadamba is someone I aspire to be like every day 🙂

Questions to churn on today:

— Can you think of someone who displays these qualities – someone who inspires you?…

— How can you see these qualities manifest in their life?… (i.e.) How does the atmosphere feel when they are present?… How do others behave when in their company?…

— Imagine being Detached and Loving – how might that feel / look / sound / smell / taste like for you?… Keep bringing yourself back to this image many times throughout your daily activities, then BEHAVE like it. This is a powerful visualisation technique to bring about permanent change.

I know it can be a bit challenging at the start of the year but lets keep moving forward. Remembering to share is a vital part of growing and trusting (yourself and others) – you never know who’s life you may be saving through your experiences. It’s not just what I share but what each and every one of you share, that makes this group so special. Thank you, have a wonderful year… And may you all be powerfully and lovingly detached in 2013

See you next Monday with another new Power – will share any other stories about Detachment then 🙂

Much Love Annemarie 🙂

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