Thank you to those who have made effort to share their experiences about Compassion – it’s amazing how similar the stories of many are – just different places and different faces : Most have shared through email, so I will briefly share this in point form (but all will remain anonymous).
** Self Respect has definitely been a common thread – many can relate with ‘jumping in the quicksand to save another’ and understanding that is not compassion but sacrificing self – martyrdom. However everyone was able to recognize their own part in this and understood that to truly help another, we must remain on solid ground – the foundation of self respect – which many find a challenge but are inspired to keep going.
** Compassion for the self – to allow self mistakes without beating up on the self – was another common link. To be able to give freely without expectation and without drowning while helping others.
** Holding ourselves back for fear of our own light, for fear of stepping up and ascending – shows no compassion for self or others – procrastinating compromises our power.
** Bottom line is about nurturing the self
Wonderful realisations and sharings – once again… Thank you. You now have ‘experience’ with at least 1 power. Keep this toolbelt of powers with you at all times – it’s like wearing a life jacket of self respect – you never know when you will need them
* How strong is this power within me?… A lot stronger than once upon a time. I understand the difference between truly serving another and being in servitude to another – there’s a huge difference.
* How do I know – what’s the evidence?… Proof is that I don’t beat myself up as much and when I do, I recognize it a lot sooner and apply a firm brake a lot faster 🙂
* How does this affect my interactions with others? The more self care through self respect, the more genuine my helping hand is – genuine help without me ‘co-suffering’. When no kindness shown to self – somehow will project onto others.
* What can I do to strengthen / re-store my power?… Continually checking my motive and intention when helping another, or when not helping myself. Traffic control (stopping each hour to breathe, to check and change myself is my best tool, it helps me re-store this inner power 🙂
Lots of love to you all, Annemarie… Monday we will start to cultivate another Power.