The Power of a Gentle Heart
Hi Everyone, Firstly, I’d like to welcome more new Souls (from my last program and retreat) to our amazing online WonderFull Living Community – where we each aim to work on ourselves… So I hope you’re all having a wonderful July – reminding yourselves to be present and in the moment. If not, this article will remind you to do just that… You know, living in a modern era may have it’s perks – press a button and a light comes on, turn a tap and water flows instantly. Yet modern life and indeed coping with daily living requires great inner strength – and inner strength comes from the Power of a Gentle Heart. But what does that mean practically?
As natural disasters increase and man-made crisis increase – it’s becoming harder to cope and easier to feel overwhelmed… To handle external negativity and pressure in a positive way, we must therefore learn to become internally strong. Firm enough so that we can manage any situation calmly – not so hard that we upset another. Strength in spirituality is not about force or pushiness or being aggressive, but that it comes from love because it’s rooted in the heart. Gentleness does not mean to be weak or so soft that we give others permission to hurt us. Strength in spirituality is gentleness! It’s a loving respectfulness for the self and others, that is demonstrated (expressed) through gentleness. In true gentleness we don’t need to prove ourselves, we don’t need to impress and we certainly don’t need to lose ourselves in useless arguments – just to be right. Gentleness is possible only to the extent that we show respect for ourselves – for when there is self respect there’s no need to resort to any type of mind games or emotional violence – through anger, forcefulness, manipulation or silent tantrums.
Gentleness comes from an open heart space and this space of self love, stops us from imposing our opinions or beliefs on others, to get our own way. Gentleness keeps us flexible and light and helps us understand and accept, that we each have our own parts to play – that there is a reason and a season for everything and everyone. Gentleness brings tolerance and patients, lifting our awareness out of the heaviness that life can become, to the lightness of the many frequencies at play. It enables us to tune into the hearts of others. Gentleness also enables us to be more awake to the beauty of mother nature, reminding us to appreciate each moment and that we are just a piece of a larger picture – no more and no less – all rhythmically flowing as part of this glorious Universe. And as we allow ourselves to experience our own internal, eternal, silent rhythm – we can feel that undeniable universal connection. We can then be more alert in our own lives – mindful not to ignore, trespass or interfere – with someone else’s right to choose and to express themselves.
When I’m gentle with myself I can allow myself to be creative and openness becomes my canvas. When I’m gentle with myself I won’t need to dwell on the past or rush off to the future, nor will I need to focus on my mistakes or on the mistakes of others. When I’m gentle with myself I won’t allow myself to get taken for a ride or be ambushed by guilt, nor will I rope others into guilt. Where there is gentleness there is forgiveness – there won’t be expectation and there can’t be animosity… Because when I’m gentle with myself I feel light and uplifted and the vibrations I send forth will be the same.
Question: Am I gentle with myself / others? If not, why not?
Consideration: Why do I feel a need to be hard on myself / others?… Do I believe that I / others don’t deserve gentleness?
Action: For the month of July, practice being loving and gentle with yourself. When meditating or starting your day with an aim, make that aim gentleness. Sit with the word, feel how your body responds upon creating the thought of gentleness in your mind. Then practice being gentle to yourself as a means to be gentle with others – not out of compulsion or fear – but out of self respect because you truly believe that you are worth it 🙂
Happy Gentle July – sending lots of gentle vibrations to you all, Annemarie 🙂