Power to Face (Revision) part 3

Hi Everyone,

First off – thank you for using your Power to Face and sending your May contributions. And congratulations for as I’ve said many times – what we put into our own development is what we get out of it… I know that some of you struggle with your powers but hang in there it gets better, for I also know that several of you have found that switch point and are starting to see some amazing results from your efforts 🙂  Keep up the amazing work because the world needs you – this is how change happens on a global scale, one Soul at a time! And just to remind you that I always appreciate your contributions no matter how small because it’s all our combined individual efforts that win out in the end. Please know that I do my best to respond to each individual email even if on the odd occasion one may unintentionally get missed.

So as we roll towards the end of another power it helps to stop and reflect. How am I going? Is this group benefiting me? If not, what am I doing here? How much have I really come to know myself through my own powers? Do I feel confident that I’m learning to make smarter choices and decisions with my newly re-claimed inner gifts? Do I realise and do I accept yet that I have many amazing virtues within (regardless how weak some may be)?. Self reflection is beneficial on so many levels but use it as a reviewing process to learn and grow, never for self deprecation that snuffs out any opportunity to move forward. Over-analysing keeps us trapped in the web of negative thinking, as the phrase states “paralysis by analysis”.

Here are your contributions:

~ Many related to this Power in that ’facing’ is a life-long challenge. That saying yes is definitely easier than saying no…………………………… (Fantastic realisation)

~ Many have recognised their struggles when it comes to saying ‘no’ but are learning to set boundaries without experiencing guilt, anger or shame…………….… (Love it!)

~ Many “love being part of this group” for different reasons though aims are all similarly based on  empowering the self. While sadly others found this particular power too challenging and removed themselves from the group……………………….  (Bitter/Sweet…)

~ Several are struggling with ‘being homesick’ or with some other attachment to the home causing stress, anxiety and depression – while trying to take responsibility for their own choices…………. (Not an easy road to take so well done for your courage)

~ Several are finding this power tricky as they “navigate that fine line between aggression and assertiveness …………………… (Once understood, you’ll recognise it quicker – hang in there, it gets better 🙂

~ Some are becoming aware of the wisdom in their own life experiences and how they can help others through ‘stuff’ ……………… (YESSSSSSS!!!!)

~ Some are remembering to ask for “guidance and support” – from their archangels, Divine Universal Source of pure energy, from their spirit guides and crystals, from their elemental connection and balance in nature………. (Fantastic 🙂

~ Many are Facing new beginnings – which can be exciting but for equally as many it brings great stress and fear……………. (Remember, courage doesn’t mean you have no fear but that you perform to your best ability, regardless of the fear)

~ Others still, have been more in a “holding pattern” needing to practice “patience and silence” while waiting for a breakthrough that had to happen ……………………… (So Wonder-Full!!!)

Lots of love Annemarie

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