Once Upon a Realisation….

Once you’ve come upon a Realisation what do you do?… A Realisation is that moment of clarity when the light flickers on and a surge of energy flows forth – but only for a glimmer of time. It’s that ‘aha’ moment, an awakening – that moment when the penny drops. It can feel like you’ve just discovered a pot of gold – or like you’ve been slapped in the face!… What do you do with that ‘pot of gold’ – do you just sit there and let dust settle all over it, do you wait for others to Realise their fortune and allow them to take it, or do you take conscious action to benefit yourself and others? Ok, so what happens when you’re experiencing the ‘slap in the face’, what do you do then? Perhaps you’ve just Realised the consequences and repercussions of a bad choice you’ve made, and the prize you now have to pay. Do you remain humble, accept responsibility and pay your dues? Do you pretend it didn’t happen and bury your head, or do you project and justify angrily – pointing the finger of blame away from you?… To most it simply doesn’t occur to take full advantage of these moments – to learn, to change and to grow – I have to say, it’s taken me a while to figure it out :)… But when we do, do we make genuine effort to reform or are we too self absorbed to be remorseful, or perhaps do we prefer to remain a victim?…

So ask yourself… What do I do when I’m blessed with an Aha moment? What do I do when a moment of clarity and wisdom tickles my intellect? Do I use my courage to investigate further and take the opportunity to change something in my life that needs changing? Or do I let the moment pass and do nothing – merely sighing – believing I can’t do it, that it’s up to others to do something, or worse, believing I don’t deserve it… So just for a moment, consider the Power in each and every Realisation, if you always validated them with positive action! Just for a moment… Imagine what you will be able to DO!

When I take advantage of the energy that a Realisation offers, it allows me to take a big leap in a forward momentum. The energy level is at its highest when the Realisation first rolls in. If I don’t immediately respond by ‘jumping on that wave’ I miss out and have to wait for the next one. If I don’t affirm my Realisation with positive, powerful action, that surge of energy is lost – wasted – while I continue on in life looking the other way and continue to blame others – ‘I could have done something, but…’ If however I seize the moment, the universe aligns to assist me – even if my actions are as simple as writing a list to get me started, the key is to keep going from there – baby steps and building on it. That’s not to say I won’t get tested – absolutely I will! How else do I know if I am succeeding in my task? However, it’s essential to see these challenges as opportunities rather than ‘tests’ if I want to reach the next level successfully. If I keep seeing them as tests, I may give up, believing that it’s not working, or worse, that I’m a failure. No, when I Realise, I must Rise to the challenge every single time (not in an aggressive or in a passive way, but in a powerful, creative way) – only then do I drop the chains of self enslavement, one shackle at a time. That’s when I become part of the solutions instead of the problems of the world.

…But you know, just because you continue to change for the better, doesn’t mean you’re going to get it right all the time, so be gentle with yourself. Don’t worry what others think if you’ve made a mistake, at least you’re having a go at life – correct yourself and move on – but don’t be arrogant either by readily judging others. Life can be slippery – especially at times of stress and high emotions, when you’re tired or dealing with chronic pain – a time when old weaknesses come to harass you. It’s a time when you easily buy the rubbish of others and make it your own, so be careful, it’s a time to be more discerning or you become vulnerable and risk slipping backward. However, even to slip and realise you’ve made a mistake – enabling you correct it and let go quicker than perhaps in the past – is still a step forward, don’t let that minor mishap distract you from your destination. Using your Realisations in a positive way, allows you to minimise these slips while you build on your strengths. Don’t allow mistakes to rattle you or convince you that you are useless or that you can’t change. When we are tired and stressed, old limiting behaviours will attack us – that’s their job! Don’t worry about them, don’t let them harass you. If you make a mistake, pick yourself up, correct yourself and move on. Keep using those surges to push you further along towards your goal. There will be fewer setbacks and they will last less each time, as you learn to Master your many Powers – one Virtue at a time. So pay attention – don’t become slack or complacent in your efforts. Don’t justify or rationalise why you didn’t use the Power of your Realisation. Don’t blame others – it’s up to each individual to make effort and claim their own rewards…

Do you ever wonder why highly successful people remain successful?… Because they take risks. They consistently act on their Realisations while accepting and letting go of any mistakes made. They take responsibility (they don’t blame others), they learn and they move on! They don’t focus on mistakes or on what could have been, they take what they learn and use it to focus on what CAN be!… So the key to change what we don’t want into what we want – bit by bit – is to continually look and move towards our aim, continually learning as we move along and consistently changing negative into positive. Using our Realisations gives us a good basis, it gives us energy to get moving and it allows us to keep focusing on and moving towards where we want to be, in so doing, I automatically stop paying attention to where I don’t want to be. Therefore, never underestimate the Power in your Realisations – your Aha moments – use them wisely!

Question: What do you do upon your Realisations?

Consideration: Why might you turn the other way or do nothing? What are your fears?

Action: Each and every time you are blessed with an ‘aha’ moment – STOP, soak it in, then instantly do something positive to affirm the Realisation. No matter what you want to change in your life, it all starts with paying attention and one tiny step… Then simply keep building that momentum by taking regular, consistent steps towards your aim – do something practical each single day towards your dream / goal / objective /mission. DO NOT wait till ‘later’ as the energy diminishes over time and you will have to labour more. Use the surge of energy when it’s at it’s highest level to help you in your quest… And DO NOT stop till you’ve reached your destination 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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