WonderFull Living Newsletter… New Year – New Beginnings!

Hi everyone, hope 2014 is starting off happy for you – apologies for the late newsletter – I’m sending it from Esperance WA! We have just traveled from Leura NSW through SA then across the Nullabor for the next part of our journey in Busselton – we have little reception.

Though the roads stretch long and far with very sparse traffic, we did come across a large amount of speeding trucks – of which many showed little or no regard to others sharing the road. I’m aware these drivers have a time schedule to adhere to but there is never a good reason for being discourteous to the point of endangering the life of others. But I must highlight that NOT all truck drivers drove this way – in fact, some were very courteous. When we signaled to them that it was safe to pass using our indicators, some even showed their appreciation by waving, beeping or using their indicators… So this got me thinking about mindfulness in general. Whether we drive a truck, a car or whatever we do in life – what does it take for us to give regard to another fellow being? Do we expect regard from others without being willing to show it? Do we ever stop to think about how our attitude might impact on others or how it might endanger their lives? Or do we justify bulldozing our way through life not caring the slightest about how it might affect others and even expect them to move out of the way?

Regard starts and finishes with RESPECT! When there is respect for the Self there will be respect for others – it’s as simple as that. When I hold myself in high esteem (not arrogantly but respectfully) I will automatically do the same for those who enter and exit my life… So what happens when I DO NOT respect myself?… Well, the evidence in the world is pretty clear – the proof is in most of the self-absorbed attitudes you see all around you. For example, very few souls are humble enough to let others go first. In a world filled with expectation and a growing attitude of entitlement, it appears we have forgotten common courtesy and have forgotten that to give is to receive. Instead, many are not prepared to give but only expect to get. To make matters worse, many expect to ‘get’ NOW, with the result being anger and often violence. So no matter what is happening in your life – whether on a time schedule or otherwise – lack of showing regard to others is simply showing the lack of respect you have for yourself. So if you want others to give you regard it’s best to check your own self first.

With a new year and a new beginning, lets not bulldoze our way through another 12 months. Let me be an example for others and slow down to pay attention. Lets start by becoming more mindful of my own behavior, I can begin with learning about what self respect looks and feels like. When I understand how to hold myself in high esteem, I will not look down at others or believe they are in my way or wasting my time. Rather, I will not waste their time and the return will be 100-fold!…
There are many other ways I can show regard to others – ie. I can demonstrate through my words and actions how to appreciate rather than waste each valuable second that a new year, a new day, a new hour brings. My self respect will also shine through when I feel comfortable enough to say ‘you first’ – it does not mean that I am submissive or a martyr, it simply shows that I do not need to be first. It’s a simple gesture that shows I am willing to give regard without expecting anything in return because I have nothing to proof – to myself or to anyone else. Showing others how to use my courage to step out of my comfort zone, rather than give-in to irritation or irrational fear is another wonderful way I can show regard for life and therefore teach by example (not by words but by example only). Lets start making a difference today by checking ourselves on a regular basis. If I want to change anything in the world, let me start by changing me… Give it a go – you may be pleasantly surprised 🙂

Question: Do you give regard or do you wait till it’s given to you?

Consideration: Why do you wait for others to give first?

Action: Check yourself each day to monitor your level of self respect. Each time you catch yourself thinking things like ‘me first’ or ‘why should I give to others’, STOP and consciously allow others to step ahead. This is a nice way to start the year and a way to ‘pay it forward’. This is not to say become a push-over by letting others take advantage. No, this is about upholding your own self-respect while showing respect for others 🙂

Love Annemarie

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