After staying several months between 3 beautiful Brahma Kumaris Meditation Retreat Centers (such fortune), we will be back on the road as of the 14th February. At present, we are still in the Blue Mountains at the Leura Center. Our plan is to head back towards Townsville, so we can cross the top of Australia from Queensland to WA in winter…
We often get queries about our lifestyle, which regularly attracts comments like ‘You’re so lucky’. Which is usually followed by ‘I wish..’ or ‘If only…’ or ‘I will when…’ or ‘I would if I could, but…‘ or ‘It’s alright for some’. Implying that I’m not living the life I want, blocks me from moving forward – my will to wonder diminishes and my essence of calm is compromised. Luck is a random chance, an opportunity… Fortune is to grab an opportunity with both hands and create something with it. When we miss, ignore or allow fear to stop us from taking a chance (try our luck) we often rationalise our situation. Stifling my own creative process, I look for others to blame. Resentment and anger often builds and my growth is stunted, keeping me stuck in old disempowering patterns and behaviors.
Yes, we are definitely fortunate and we appreciate life’s gifts, but lucky?… We are the principal actors in our play and we are responsible for our own decisions and choices. With courage, determined thought, discipline and enthusiasm, we become the weavers of our own life tapestries. What does your tapestry look like? When we make a lot of effort to create our world, we become proof of our own creation. How does anything change if I don’t make it happen? If I keep saying “when… happens, I will…” – I will never leave my comfort zone.
But you know, our lifestyle is not for everyone – we all have our own story, our own part to play. It’s what we do with any given opportunity that provides a purpose in life, it inspires us to step up and take the reins. Living indefinitely on the road while working and serving others definitely has it’s bonuses, but it’ not as ‘romantic’ as people think. It can be hard work and challenging in more ways than one. However, our clear purpose keeps us focused, positive and motivated (to be continued in April Newsletter). Understanding and accepting that my life today is my own creation – made up of a range of choices, decisions and actions (powerful and wasteful), means the reins of my life are in my own hands…
Change is imminent – if we get stressed and resist change, our experience will be less than pleasant. When we flow with, rather than against change, powerful things happen. When I make the best of any situation, I turn negative into positive and waste into abundance, these choices save me in many ways. Not allowing a ‘bend in the road’ to affect us, but instead steering the reins of the situation like a lever in life, always brings benefit… even if it’s only to learn, to grow, to change 🙂 … and the rewards are magical.
Question: What do you believe, stops you from creating wonder in your life? What limiting thoughts stop you from claiming this simple right?
Consideration: Do you consider these thoughts to be rational and life-giving or irrational and life-draining? Which thoughts are worth keeping, strengthening and applying?…
Action: Spend 5 minutes each morning and each evening visualising a preferred outcome – see it like it’s already happened. Then take small daily steps towards it (do something practical towards your outcome each day to confirm it). In other words, your actions (mission) must align with your destination (vision), otherwise your dreams will simply remain pie in the sky. Spirituality must be grounded in practicality, so don’t wait for others to make ‘it’ happen. Step up, do it yourself and lead by example 🙂
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