Hi Everyone,

Almost at the end of another fortnight as we spend a few more days contemplating and treasuring our Power of Love and Purity. From the emails received, sounds like it’s been a testing area for many, hope you haven’t been too hard on yourself. Remember, the idea of the study group is to transform any weaknesses and cultivate our powers – it’s not about beating myself up. Imbibing these powers is proving to bring awareness and clarity for some.  Remember to be gentle with yourself, you are doing something different – you are stepping out of your comfort zone… Well done, congratulations!…

You know, tests will come – that’s their job.  The more I practice and prepare myself, through lots of little baby steps, the more I will be able to remain stable and immovable in scenes of chaos and confusion. With love in my heart and purity in my thoughts, I will be able to face any obstacle head on – because I value myself :)…

I the Soul, AM Love and Purity – forgetting this natural nature leads us to compromise and struggle. Below are some of your ‘sharings’ for this month’s Power – once again your realisations and lessons learned are parallel with each other. Thank you for your courage – you continue to inspire me 🙂

1.  Busy pleasing others – compromise self care and self respect… (This power goes hand in hand with Power of Compassion – take care of self first. Otherwise we become resentful and frustrated – and our love will have strings attached.)

2.  Identified self sabotage. Recognition of act of violence against self… (Recognition is a wonderful first step to healing, we can then go about and transform this disempowering behavior 🙂

3.  Afraid of own light, compelled to stay in dark – against own will…  (One of many faces of anger and sabotage… It demonstrates that this power is a little weak. It doesn’t say I’m bad or I’m a failure, it simply reminds us to strengthen it by applying self love more often. Pure love without conditions attached takes time and effort, and starts with self love.)

It appears we have all learned some deep things about ourselves, no doubt it has brought up some unresolved ‘stuff’.  Simply face it!… Don’t question it, don’t argue with it, don’t support it… simply face it. Then without doubt or shame, let it go – finish it, it’s done… and simply start afresh.  Give yourself a pat on the back because no-one can do this work for you. We can support each other, but we as individuals must complete the task. As I used to say to my children when they were growing up – “I can’t run the race for you, but I’m on the sidelines all the way cheering you on” :)…

Keep your eye out for new power this coming Monday, in the meantime, happy weekend 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie


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