Letting Go to Embrace the New

Hi EveryOne, Happy New Year.

Finally… It’s been quite some time since my last newsletter, so I hope this ‘reconnect’ finds you all well.  2020 /2021 has been a ‘battle ground’ for many. For me personally, well, many tests; many lessons; many fails – but more importantly, many victories!… Still, I had to use every ounce of my determination and courage to work my way out of that deep, dark rabbit hole – hence the need for the well deserved times in solitude, self nurturing and self care…  As I write this, I’m looking out over our flooded property (250ml in 12 hours) a bit of damage but I feel grateful for this space where I can heal and stabilise my inner world… If you’ve been struggling, I hope you are too.  Letting Go to Embrace the New (the unknown) can be scary but increasingly necessary, if we are to flow with the ever-changing scenery called life (and the Covid landscape to boot).

Some news…

  • With Covid now raging in Queensland, Roz’s Happy Place closing down, and after deeply considering my own health issues, I’ve decided with a heavy heart that for the time being I won’t be offering any face-to-face classes. Instead, I will offer online classes (currently working through how that will look like, so stay tuned). 
  • In the meantime, there’s plenty of resources available – my books Will to Wonder; Peace, Power and You; my meditation CD, these free newsletters (there’s 12 years worth available on my blog https://willtowonder.com.au/ to read at your leisure); and free subscription to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV1hFboVS7u0W-Btr9zEaQ.  
  • Though I have ‘retired’ I still offer Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy – at my home or via Zoom / Skype). If you need deeper personal guidance, you can book a session(s) with me.
  • My aim is to offer some small spiritual gatherings / retreats on our property from mid 2022 (Covid permitting) so stay tuned.
  • Lastly, to simplify my life, I’m letting go of my Happy Heart Holistic Healing website and make my original  Will to Wonder blog my ‘go to’ page again. Please be patient as I transition back to my blog… Ha, looking back, I wonder why I changed everything so late in the game – I guess I wasn’t planning to retire so soon! That’s life 🙂

Letting Go to Embrace the New… 

Working consciously through painful relationship conflicts, painful triggers and painful realisations, challenged me to face to old patterns (and traumas) to heal deep wounds that rose again – this time to be released for good. It felt like walking through a mine field that took me way back to my childhood. But it had to happen – I had to cut those pesky invisible shackles that stealthily kept me chained to the past, and to those who exploit my weaknesses… But this time I was done! I was done with destructive cycles. I was done with self sabotage and compromising my own power. I was done enabling others and allowing them to ‘poke my wounds’. I was done with shame and being a scapegoat!  It was time to take the reins back.

So, we have been on our land for 8 months now and though we love it, the tests have been abrupt, cruel, painful and ever so ‘inconvenient’ – keeping me on my toes to say the least… Knowing that we are living in a time of rapid change, that’s getting increasingly volatile and unstable, didn’t help – as I watched the world (and my life) unravel… But I get it! I get that we’re in  a time of the world cycle where individually, and collectively, we must sort, clear and heal our past. We are personally being called upon to clear our own karmic debt – challenged to step into our own power or suffer the consequences. So we can either bury our heads and pretend it’s not happening – we can deny, ignore, resist and point the finger of blame – as we unknowingly lean into fear (false evidence appearing real)… Or we can face it head on, no matter how unsettling. Surrendering fear lets the light in. When we surrender (let go) we can then embrace. Embrace love. Embrace newness. Embrace success (however that looks like for you)… For me, success (victory) means to fully embrace myself – my story, my life – regardless of what it brings… It means to be in control of my own thoughts, words and actions. It means to love myself enough to know my own worth – and to set my boundaries accordingly. It means to be able to sleep again. To create again. To have my light back! So I can just get on with it and enjoy life again 🙂

You see, deep unhealed wounds (triggers) can keep us hostage to the manipulations of others. When we give others permission to pull us down, hold us back, doubt ourselves or dim our light – we hand over our power, as we start to identify with our weaknesses. Feeling ‘paralysed’, we hang onto the familiar and find difficulty in embracing the new. We miss opportunities to change or grow into abundance. We lose the ability to choose and make clear, rational decisions – and this can be a frightening place to live… So allowing myself to fully feel the emotional trauma – as I dropped away the past – was like dropping a coat on the floor and stepping into a more powerful vision of myself. And even though it was a rather drawn out, intense journey – it was cathartic nonetheless. Did you know, that it takes more effort to stay chained to the drama than it does to step into your power? It’s not only exhausting! It’s debilitating! So let go and let God! 

Moving forward in the awareness that I am a powerful Soul and keeping my connection with the Divine open, is essential in any healing process. This ‘partnership’ gives strength to pull myself up, dust myself off, steady myself and to simply take another step forward. It means I don’t let others pull be back and entangle me in any more…  As I surrendered the drama, my shattered heart began to heal and open… Regardless the months of painful purging, I feel blessed for the opportunity to learn and grow, to let go and step into my best self. I’m therefore ever grateful for my spiritual protection, guidance, support and encouragement – to get me ‘to the other side’ – where Divine Spirit waited silently in the background, till I let go and made space in my heart 🙂

Question: Do I matter – and how do I show that in my life? How strong is my upper connection?

Contemplation: Why do I find difficulty in letting go and embracing the new?  Why do I hand over my power?

Activity: In the month of January, practice letting go. Take a breath and simply exhale. As you exhale, release whatever it is in your mind and heart that needs to be healed. Embrace your own higher knowing and embrace the Higher Power – who is always there waiting to help – we just need to take the first step. We all carry some kind of childhood trauma that now needs to be healed and released, so steady yourself and let go. Using the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Soul – might help 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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