Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Hi EveryOne,
Here I am. I’ve been on a quiet healing journey over the last few months so I hope you’re all doing great and continue to welcome each morning with appreciation and newness. Keeping an open heart and a flexible mind helps you rise each day with love, not fear, and helps you keep your eyes on the prize to ensure you finish (succeed) in whatever it is you start…
First some news…
~ Please note the following changes…
**Happy Heart Holistic Healing (and Resoulutions 4 Life) can now be found at annemariedeseriere.com.au.
**My email now is [email protected].
**My YouTube channel ‘Annemarie Happy Heart’ remains at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV1hFboVS7u0W-Btr9zEaQ.
**My blog ‘Will to Wonder ‘remains at willtowonder.com.au. And Facebook will go back to my original page https://www.facebook.com/willtowonder.
~ For the time being, I will continue to offer these services from our rural property in Dallarnil… Holistic Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy (both can be done via zoom); Reiki and Sound Healing; Bowen Therapy and Cupping from my Yurt.
~ We are working hard (though slow going with a painful shoulder) to get our property ready for meditation programs. As most of you know, we now have a lovely 5 acre property, so plenty of outdoor space. But it’s only land at this stage (we are back in our trusty caravan and loving it) and unsure at this point if/when we will build again. So we bought a ‘donga’ (a 6 x 3 portable building) for a small meditation room so we can get programs started… And it has arrived (photo attached) YAY! So as promised, we are on track to start offering meditation gatherings (including full moon meditations) at our place from June. So excited!
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
With so many things in the world that can easily unsettle us and throw us off our game, how do you keep going?…Do you rise and face life tests as they arrive, regardless how you feel? Or do you avoid them or get consumed by them, till you lose focus and are forced out of your comfort zone? How do you get up each morning and stay motivated and enthusiastic?
When focus is lost it’s difficult to not only get on track but to stay on track. Avoidance behaviour (procrastination) will be draped in excuses, blame will become entitlement and sabotage will be the result. So the key lies in keeping your eyes firmly on the bigger picture – the aim, the goal, the prize – while constantly turning inward to stabilise, and upward to recharge. Cultivating your innate virtues consistently along the way is equally important if you want to move forward and succeed in your outcome. And yes, this takes consistent practice… And yes, even self growth practitioners like myself can be pulled off track if I don’t consistently ‘check and change’ myself – whether I’m up for it or not. So if I see tests as opportunities to step into other levels of myself, I won’t be spun around by adversity. It will keep me flexible, on target and confident to navigate the ever changing winds of life. But if I identify with the tests and blame myself or avoid / deny the tests and blame others – either way there will be sabotage – and casualties are inevitable in a tailspin!… So when I catch myself falling back into an old pattern (trap) usually to do with pleasing others – I apply a full stop. I’ve learned not to shame myself nor point the finger of blame – even if others don’t accept ‘no’ as a whole sentence. I will spend time in solitude and continue to work on my boundaries and heal my past. Lots of self reflection, surrendering and letting go. Lots of forgiving (myself and others) for to not forgive means to hang onto pain. Lots of shadow work – changing my thoughts, changing my inner and outer words, changing my actions, reactions and interactions. Surrendering allows me to reset and steady myself as I take back my power so others won’t rule my heart, nor will I rule theirs… I change my attitude and upgrade any traumatic childhood belief system that may have held me hostage to the dictates of others… In a narcissistic world where empaths are easy prey, self love must become your super power. Exercising this power reminds you to not allow others to interfere with your purpose, nor you interfere with theirs! Healing your past and strengthening spiritual truth is essential if you are to lift your own vibration. Only then, would it be possible to uplift those who may be weighing you down. Lifting your own vibration stops you from getting caught in someone else’s tailspin and prevents any kind of force, enabling you to say no to the takers of the world – with grace, not with guilt.
So the last few months I took much needed ‘me’ time to nourish and replenish from all the ‘emotional hits’ I took over the last year. Relentless tests on ‘holding my ground’ and staying firm on my spiritual boundaries left me exhausted – and I shudder to think how I would have coped if I didn’t have my spiritual tools and understanding because the lessons were painful. If I hadn’t practiced spiritual love and self awareness over a long period of time, it would have broken me… My faith and focus kept me going. Regular meditation (a self checking system) has to become our new norm if we are to release the past and move forward peacefully and powerfully… Therefore giving ourselves permission to nurture and support ourselves helps us reframe our experiences – our stories – to create a more positive future (and hopefully inspire others to do the same). World change starts with self change. By keeping our eyes on the prize, it reminds us that these tests are not problems at all, but actually, they are opportunities!… Opportunities to heal and release past trauma and pain. Opportunities to try something different (change). Opportunities to show up for yourself and to step into a higher part of you. To show-case your authentic essence and creative genius. To succeed…
Practicing loving detachment, you can learn to regulate your own emotional / mental wellness. Self regulation (control own responses) is necessary for healthy interactions – as opposed to controlling others (manipulate) or being controlled by others (react). So let me become the Alchemist of my own life. Let me regularly face inward and turn my own weaknesses (fears and triggers) into strengths (power). Let me regularly face upward to ‘release and recharge’ so others can’t weaponise my weaknesses against me… So though things may have appeared quiet on the forefront, I’ve been working harder than ever behind the scene – to heal and change myself. While convalescing, I kept my eyes firmly on the prize (my purpose of serving others through spiritual awakening) to ensure my capacity of fulfiling that wish. So while we (Col and I) continue our own spiritual development we are preparing our property to welcome all you amazing Souls for spiritual practice 🙂 Keeping my eyes on the prize lets me use any pain or setback as leverage to propel me forward – while courage and determination enable me to pick myself up, dust myself off and simply take another step… And each time I do, I rise stronger than the last 🙂
Question: What / Who stops me from claiming success in my life? (Whatever success looks like for you).
Contemplation: Why do I let others / situations interfere with my power and creativity.
Activity: Keep your eyes on the prize by practicing seeing solutions only. Don’t focus on the problem or you will feed it. You will spin deeper and deeper, lose sight of your prize and lack the creative thinking needed to get yourself out. Instead, identify the problem then find the lesson behind it – to do / be better (the solution) no matter how painful. Knowing that we have to get to the other side – focusing on the solution not only helps you navigate your way out faster – it sharpens you – ready for the next level. Think of life as an obstacle course – a challenging but fun game that you are meant to win – because you have all your spiritual tools (gifts/power) within. You received them before you were even born and they are yours and only yours (you’ve just forgotten that you have them). Meditation will help you remember them. And application / exercise will strengthen them 🙂
Lots of love Annemarie