Hi EveryOne, Happy March – A little late this month – I hope you are remembering to put your own health and wellbeing first for the month of March – so that you can just keep going

Firstly – to celebrate International Women’s Day last Friday, the ‘4 Faces of Woman’ program went off beautifully.  A powerful, supportive group of women lovingly bringing change to the world – by turning inward and changing themselves.   Awesome!… 

Secondly – we are loooving our new home (and healing space) at Burgowan near Torbanlea. We hope to start offering small retreats / gatherings / workshops (as well as individual guidance / coaching / treatments) from end April. I finish at Holistic Healing Haven in Hervey Bay end March, and will continue at The Happy Abode in Burrum Heads on Mondays and Wednesdays… Will keep you informed 🙂 

Thirdly – I am starting a Hoop Coaching Course today and there’s an activity we need to complete – I am to ask 5 – 50 people to describe me in 3 – 5 words… If you can help me out with this, I thank you dearly in advance 🙂

Just Keep Going!

When it comes to your own health and wellbeing, how often do you find yourself starting over? When it comes to your own health and wellbeing, how often does self-care take a back seat – behind other ‘more important’ things or people?  Well, let me tell you… When self care and healing slow down or worse – come to a halt – we’ve missed the many signs leading to that point. We may even have ignored or denied some signs because it was easier at the time, but in so doing, we compromised ourselves on many levels. When we ignore the ‘writing on the wall’ we tell ourselves that we are not worth it. Worse still, we tell others that we are not worth it… But we are worth it – and it’s time we demonstrate our worth. And when we make a genuine commitment to change ourselves, we get help! Don’t ask me how – we just do – I’ve experienced it many times and I’ve seen others experience it too! So don’t believe your own hype when it comes to your internal rationalisations – there’s nothing more debilitating than fear. And don’t wait till your self care and healing has been compromised before taking action (make change). Be pro-active when it comes to your own inner peace and happiness – use that helping hand – even if just for support.  Stand in peaceful guard to protect your inner sanctum…  And lovingly keep going.

I love how life presents us with such interesting and timely lessons (if we are open to learning) . Otherwise these lessons can shake us to our very core. Life is the ideal platform to see how open we are and it’s entirely up to each of us, at any moment in time, as to how we show up for ourselves… Do I use my curiosity and courage to access information presented to me through these lessons? Learn? Grow? Or do I choose to ignore the opportunity (staying comfortable and secure) but blocking me from moving forward?  Life is filled with opportunities that few get to enjoy, because most people get lost in the challenge – then miss out on the fruit.  If I only see obstacles (or problems) I miss important pieces of this amazing Universal Puzzle, thus I miss the value of the lesson and will probably have to repeat that lesson – somewhere, sometime. So better I learn it consciously rather than waiting and worrying – when will it catch up? Indeed, when l miss the point I can easily blame, deny or rationalise – keeping me firmly stuck in my comfort zone and my own limiting belief system.

Throughout my life-long search for meaning some things have become crystal clear – and one thing is for sure – we really do have to just keep going!  As the saying says … “If you fall down 7 – get up 8”.  Life is the real deal! Unlike ‘Reality’ TV – there are no rehearsals, no editing and no audience! In reality, life can be boring as it can be tough – if we don’t see the positives. We place a lot of pressure on ourselves by unconsciously believing that we have to get it right all the time – then give up when we don’t! That’s not living freely – that’s quietly imploding in a pressure cooker. In fact, to motivate and discipline ourselves, to have a go and to keep on going, starts and continues with regularly patting ourselves on the back. Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes. Learn! Learn how to (OR) how not to do something – but learn! Do not see a mistake as a failure or as a ‘reason’ to quit! By all means, make mistakes – that’s how we learn – a miss-take simply means to do another ‘take’ in life! So don’t resist learning and most of all, don’t resist change – keep growing and transforming and like a sword in the making – allow yourself to keep getting stronger in the process. If you fall down – rather than give up – take a breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and just keep going! Become the sword of truth in your own life…

There are different ways to forge a sword, but there’s a basic principle that applies to all. A sword is hammered into shape while repeatedly being put in fire, then dipped in cold water – each time gaining in strength.  It needs filing, grinding and cutting till it’s perfect.   So when those times in life arise where you feel beaten – when you tell yourself ‘I can’t’ and tell yourself ‘it’s too hard’ – don’t quit!… Take a breath. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. And just keep going. Tell yourself – ‘YES! I CAN!’ Then just DO what it is you need to do – in a safe and loving manner!… Don’t quit, get angry or upset. Don’t make excuses or look for an outside source to blame.  But accept, learn, grow, change – and get up 8! Then… Just keep going!  Integrating lessons from the past and using them in the present –  gives strength, determination, motivation and confidence to keep going, even if we don’t fully understand the journey yet. When we become the sword and cut through negativity / illusions / thoughts / beliefs / behaviors that hold us back, we can get on with what is beneficial for all concerned – not with force – but with love and with kindness.  When we recognise what we can and can not control – and accept that – we take responsibility for how we choose to respond to any situation. Through adversity we can indeed reclaim our power.

Question:   Do I stand up when life’s opportunistic  lessons come knocking? Or do I ignore / hide / run from them?

Contemplation:  How can I take advantage of the next life lesson? How can be better prepared for life so that I can just keep going?

Activity:  Before starting any new project (or restarting an unfinished project) begin with a powerful intention. Don’t worry if you haven’t figured it all out yet (that will happen along your learning path) so don’t let that put you off. Just start – anywhere will do!…  When you create a strategy > apply it > review it > tweak it along the way > and just keep going – you will automatically move towards it as long as you continually put action behind your intention.

Lots of love,      Annemarie 🙂

Feel free to forward to anyone you feel may benefit. If you would like to respond to or clarify any of the above, contact Annemarie at [email protected]

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