Understanding that time = change and change is inevitable, why do we have such trouble changing? The Law of Change states that what is new must become old – from shoes to cars to food to flowers to bodies. If we recognise this law at play in the world drama and understand this to be so, why then is change so difficult for so many people on so many levels? Why do so many fail in their attempt to change? Why do so many remain bound to the misery of self defeat? Why is it that we have such great intentions to make change – only to fall back into our old ways once the initial excitement of a ‘new empowered me’, wears off?…

Coming to the end of another year – and following on from last months newsletter on being practical – it’s a perfect time to contemplate how I am doing. Reviewing my year; my month; my week; my day – and looking towards a new year; new month; new week; new day, is a constructive powerful method to wipe the slate clean and start fresh… As opposed to beating myself up over things I did or did not do – self punishment is destructive and wasteful. Choosing to ignore or give-in to these beatings, is often experienced when in the midst of self condemnation. Remaining stuck against my own will, I’m compelled to form negative and destructive habits – self sabotage reining supreme. My desire to beat myself up becomes stronger than my willpower to change, and I alone create a vicious pattern that becomes increasingly difficult to transform. This of course has absolutely nothing to do with anyone or anything else. Pointing the finger of blame results in 3 fingers instantly pointing back to me.

Feeding our fears and insecurities by looking at our weaknesses is not a path to empowerment and permanent change, yet that’s very likely what we do when we feel down and unmotivated. Allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by emotions and situations, we lose our grip on reality – allowing doubts to sneak in and disable our intention and willpower. Becoming careless with our emotions, we end up doing nothing about change at all – simply spinning, like tires in the mud – deeper and deeper and deeper.

We all like to think of ourselves as non-violent, choosing not to look beneath the surface at our neatly hidden incongruencies. Preferring to circle around the problems that never seem to leave us makes life complicated, confusing, scary and often violent. Willing to look lovingly at ourselves helps us to do something positive – break the cycle of abuse and move forward. Resisting change is unhealthy which often leads to self abuse – beating myself up is violence. When I stop resisting change that comes with daily living, I stop sabotaging myself. When I choose to be kind, honest and loving to myself first, then the possibility for change increases 100-fold… then yes, change is absolutely possible. Not only will change be possible, it becomes easier over time so I can get on with creating and enjoying a wonder-full, empowered life 🙂

Question: Do you disempower yourself by resisting change?

Consideration: Why do you resist?

Action: Over the next month imagine being kind to yourself. Practice being consistent, flexible and the art of letting go. Surrendering anger, frustration, fear and self sabotage is a start to living a happy life. Letting go of expectations, outcomes, dependence on others and others depending on you, is liberating and gives you strength and power to get on with being consistent and flexible – automatically bringing about change within yourself 🙂

If you would like to respond to or clarify any of the above contact [email protected]

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— Warmest Wishes

Natural Therapist / Personal Development Consultant


Ph: 0423 662 202

Web: www.resoulutions4life.com.au
Blog: www.willtowonder.com.au
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