You can not build a house on sand! Sounds logical enough. Yet when we apply the same principle to our own self-worth, we often make changes based on weak foundations. We do a little bit of self improvement, maybe even some inner spiritual work and think we’ve done enough. But then adversity knocks on the door and we realise how wrong we were.
To not be adversely affected by these ‘tests’, a strong foundation is absolutely essential. It means to practice and practice… and then practice some more. Just as it takes time for a sapling to grow into a powerful tree, so too will it take time to undo old habits. And like old habits that pull me back time and again if my will is weak, so too if the root system – the foundation of the tree – is weak, it will be blown over the second a gust of wind comes along.
How strong is your foundation? Where might you benefit from a little cultivation?