How bad do you really want it?…
Here we are in the 1st month of winter and half way through the year. It’s an auspicious time to review any goals, action plans, dreams, thoughts, language, beliefs, attitudes and understandings about life – it’s an excellent time to check my own progress – that is, if I think I’m worth it and if I want something bad enough. If I have been distracted in my aim, allowed my plans to be disturbed, or simply slackened off – this a great opportunity to make a few changes to help me get back on track.
So when you want something – be it health, wealth, possessions, positions, relationships, recognition, self acceptance, peace, happiness – do you go after it with triumph in your mind or with trepidation and uncertainty? Do you have an attitude of one who has a right to success (in anything you do) or an attitude of ‘I don’t deserve’? Do you focus on what you want or on what you don’t want? Does your determination kick in, giving you strength to stay enthusiastic or do you defeat yourself before you even leave your comfort zone – telling yourself it’s all too hard and what’s the point anyway?…
The point is… if we don’t try we will never know and if we don’t want to know, we choose to remain ignorant and self righteous! If I choose to ignore how my own attitude – the thoughts I create and the language I use – impacts my life and those around me, I will automatically point the finger of blame elsewhere. Buying into a victim perspective, I gather allies around me who approve of my self righteous indignation. However, ‘victims’ generally don’t succeed because they don’t believe they deserve to. If you take an attitude of ‘I’ll try but it won’t work’ then you’re right, it WON’T work – proofing to yourself ‘what’s the point in trying’ – a self destructive habit to buy into! Wanting something but unwilling to work for it won’t help me get it, neither will I succeed if I continually focus on the behaviors of others or continually focus on what I DON’T want! At this rate you will never start or finish anything – from this view point it’s easy to blame, judge, criticise and ridicule others for having a go. Pointing the finger is easy but a huge waste of energy, I may as well use this energy and have a go myself – what have I got to lose? If I start with the right attitude – on the ‘right foot’ – I can go the distance and aim to succeed. Believing that I deserve a chance, I can shoot for the moon regardless of the outcome.
Everyone in the world needs and deserves many successes in their life – however big or small! It’s up to each individual to make it happen – to go out there with confidence and claim their right with love in their hearts and victory in their minds – giving meaning to their life! Living with an attitude of ‘what will be will be’ is great, though that doesn’t mean becoming complacent in my actions towards change. If I’m not happy in any area of my life, it’s up to me to change it – it’s of no use to wait for others to change, wait for the ‘right time’ to change, or hope that my luck will change. No, we must use our powers – our determination, our courage, our self respect – this means to understand our own worth, willing to apply it, and accepting the benefits. Therefore also be cautious of the company you keep, don’t be influenced by what others say or do – keep your eye on the prize, stay positive yet practical and simply keep moving forward one baby step at a time – and victory will become yours!…
One of my current goals/aims is to conquer (Hula) Hooping in order to conquer pain – my prize is to be arthritis FREE!… What’s yours?…
Question: Is your attitude one of victory or one of defeat?
Consideration: How might it help if you focused on victory (positive) rather than on defeat (negative)?
Action: Checking and changing ourselves on a regular basis is helpful to move on in life easier and smoother. Each time you catch yourself thinking about what you don’t want (anything negative) – you’ve just checked yourself! Now change yourself by positively directing your focus to what you DO want, then do something practical each day towards that outcome!
***Note… If the habit of thinking of what we don’t want (negative and negating) is very deep, the checking and changing will need to be done more regular and consistent over a longer period of time… But never think it can’t be done – possibilities happen when the right attitude is used!
Love Annemarie
ps… For those who missed out on our free ‘Powers Study Group’ based on my book Will to Wonder, I will be facilitating the Group to explore more powers other than the 21 mentioned in Will to Wonder. If you would like to join the next part of this journey (starting in a couple of weeks) please send reply email with ‘Yes, please place me on Powers Study Group List’ – and I will keep you up-to-date. Oh by the way, no book is required just a willingness to learn 🙂