Are you watching your own attitude? …
Many complain about the degrading state of the world – so what are you doing to change it? Complaining is fruitless, I the individual, must always check myself first to see what I am contributing – am I contributing love or fear, happiness or sorrow?
One very powerful thing I can do today to contribute to positive world change, is to change just one limiting behavior, one negative habit or even just one destructive or violent thought – an angry or stressful thought.
The Brahma Kumaris strive to live with many elevated principles – here is just one … ‘My attitude creates a vibration and this vibration shapes my environment’
Action: Whenever you catch yourself thinking, saying or acting in a way that is of less value than what you are worth, stop instantly and change direction towards a more powerfully, loving attitude … a smile is worth a thousand words 🙂
Create a happy day, Annemarie
An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change
Thanks Helen for your comment. When you want truth in your life than you must live it in order to attract it, Love Annemarie 🙂