Upon entering winter many of us begin to introvert as the weather turns cold – yet winter can be such a magical time for rejuvenation. Using my Power to Withdraw in a practical sense means to work with the mind, a bit of internal gardening. This unseen work is for preparing a solid and fertile foundation, ready for spring and planting. This is not about isolating myself but to actively use this time of introversion to reflect, to recharge and to check and change myself. It’s a great time to pluck out any ‘dead weeds’ in the form of outdated, limiting and even destructive thoughts and beliefs. Cultivating the soil of the mind to grow a healthy attitude and outlook on life, makes interaction with others a pleasure rather than a burden.

June is also a great mid year checking point to see how my aims, my dreams and my goals are going – am I still heading in the direction that I wish to go? Or have I compromised myself and lost my way?’ … Don’t beat up on yourself, let it go and move on – today is as good a day as any to get back on track. Don’t wait for spring to feel inspired to start something new. Spring does have a way to uplift and motivate, yet if there has been no preparation, attempts to change will be temporary. When summer comes we will already have lost momentum. If determined, some may make it through to autumn but by the time winter arrives again, many will have gone back to our old ways, our comfort zones – Why?…

The illusion or false impression carried by many is that life is unfair, change is hard and the world owes me. If I blindly take on this kind of thinking without examining the consequences of such thoughts, I will justify my actions and no matter where I look I will never find a solution. I will SEE the world as harsh and unfriendly and like a magnet, I will draw people and situations into my life to confirm what I already believe – that the world is unjust – the illusion has now become my reality. Illusion creates delusion, bringing great stress and an easy route to poor mental health. We deceive ourselves of truth and delude ourselves to think that life is something we can control, believing it is others who are in need of change … not me!

We are often so busy beating our heads or normalising our behaviour that we don’t notice the solution sitting right in front of our nose. If I busy myself in blaming circumstances or other people, I won’t recognise that I am part of the actual problem. When I live a life of illusion, I will struggle to find a solution and will lack the power to make any positive change.

‘The Power to Withdraw’ gives me a conscious ability to step back, take a breath and observe the larger picture. Being the observer now and again allows me to recharge my battery. This silent work is an active process, it gives me the ability to check and change any outlived thoughts and habits, while clearing any unwanted weeds (accumulated clutter) in my mind . My path is clear, my focus increases and I can pick reality from falsehood, enabling me to make rational decisions.

A garden bed needs much preparation before it is ready for planting. Regularly withdrawing from the dictates of the world enables me to remain enthusiastic and allows me to SEE winter or any ‘adverse’ situation with all its blessings and benefits. The Power to Withdraw gives me strength and courage so I can take full advantage of life’s abundant opportunities.


Question: Do you struggle to stay on track or find permanent solutions?

Consideration: Why do you think that might be?

Action: Cultivate your ability to discern right from wrong – illusion from reality. Spend a few minutes each morning and each evening and consciously withdraw from the world. Check your breathing – slow it down. Check for any limiting thoughts that may be holding you back … STOP … BREATHE … and change direction (from illusion to solution). Suffering is our own resistance to change, so it pays to follow the path of least resistance.

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