Being unforgiving and inflexible in life causes a lot of unnecessary pain. It creates a Karmic account with that person or situation as they remain bound to me with invisible chains … I have given away my Power. The Brahma Kumaris have a saying — Our attitude creates a vibration and this vibration shapes our environment — being loyal to my own Spiritual Values helps break those chains as I reclaim my Power and once again become Master over my own Mind.
Flexibility in attitude helps me to mold myself around any situation without the slightest compromise of any of my Spiritual Values, this opens the world in such WonderFull ways, that in the past I could not even have imagined 🙂
Everything will feel softer, warmer and lighter rather than rigid, cold and heavy – others I may have had friction with in the past now flow smoothly and easily around me. It pays to FOCUS on happiness – what you SEE is what you TRULY GET 🙂 …