Discussing violence with different souls recently – I found it interesting that most only saw violence as someone using physical force, with intention to bring about destruction or to hurt another. When asked – did they think that giving away their own power in the process of trying to fit into society, to please others or to just to be loved – was a form of self violence, there generally was a blank stare. Yet upon reflection and deeper investigation, most agreed that this was a kind of violence perpetrated on the self.

We see violence all around us – all we need to do is pick up a daily paper to get the gist – yet we choose not to see ourselves as part of the unreported millions, pointing the finger elsewhere, justifying; at least I don’t do ‘that’. At what point do we stop and take a good look in the mirror and face ourselves as our own abuser and say enough is enough! I say the time is now!!!… How can we transform this type of self destruction when we refuse to challenge this ‘normalised’ behaviour? How can we possibly shine like we are meant to, when we undervalue ourselves to such an extent that self abuse is ok? How can we possibly teach our children self respect when we do not respect ourselves enough to say ‘no more’? When we give-in to self abuse – beating ourselves up or holding out on ourselves or take any kind of sorrow – we are giving away our power and that is NOT ok. Yet we must not only forgive others for turning their heads away in fear, we must forgive ourselves for all the years of imprisoning ourselves behind our own self created prison bars.

Using the sword of nonviolence means to cut away illusion of what ‘violence’ really is. Nonviolence means to not accept any kind of force, be it physical, emotional or spiritual, be it from others or from be it from ourselves. It means that I must not only shower my enemy with love, but to shower myself with the absolute same love and kindness first (something most people find rather difficult to do).  No more inflicting violence on myself means to take responsibility for my life – this is how I can show my children how to live a full and rich life. So let me start today. Let me start with me… Gently and Powerfully 🙂

Action: Check yourself deeply and ask yourself… Do I ever beat myself up, have trouble letting go of mistakes, regularly put the needs of others first, put my needs last, compromise my own value, run after others, wait around for others, etc etc?   If no, pat yourself on the back, and move on 🙂 If yes, stop it immediately, forgive yourself and also move on 🙂

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