I used the month of June to practice the Art of Detachment – one of my Powers that is in need of some cultivating. Though still a little weak – the more I understand and apply Detachment – this Virtue is fast becoming one of my favourite Powers.

Firstly lets look at what Detachment is not!… It is not disassociating or cutting myself off from the world. On the contrary, it takes pure, unconditional love (love with no strings attached) to remain a detached observer, while still playing an active part in the context of our individual lives. It means I am using my ability to love without expectation because I seek no return. When I seek no return (detached from any outcome) I feel no fear. When there is no fear of losing (knowing that nothing belongs to me)I am FREE to love and to be loved, unconditionally πŸ™‚

From the moment I accepted the challenge to strengthen this Power, tests instantly greeted me. Some tests followed one another, while others arrived simultaneously. Did I pass them? Yes, certainly … some, but definitely not all. So I had a choice here – do I let failure beat me (attachment), or do I use these opportunities to let go, to learn and to grow? I chose to let go and make effort to increase the rate of my own self development. Like any exam, ‘tests’ in life are designed to check our level of understanding. How else will we know if we are accurate in our knowledge and equal in our application, how else will we know if we have become wiser, if we do not get tested.

One area where I’m currently being tested, is the publishing world. It is very easy to get caught on (attached to) the frustrations of being a first time, unknown Author/Self Publisher. Few are encouraging and supportive of my book, and many have no problem closing the door before the chance of opening it – but that’s business right? Each is simply playing their role …

When I forget this fact and get attached to any of it, I will be led up a path of worry and fear. I will worry about what others think or say, I will feel ‘hurt’ by situations and the attitude of others – all attachments and all beyond my control. I will lose confidence, allow doubts to form in my mind and I lose Power. When I give my wellbeing to the dictates of others, I will focus on my weaknesses and fears will set in. I won’t be able to see another door open because I’m consumed by the situation. I start to feel weighed down and when I feel heavy, I will miss opportunities. I will get caught on trivial matters of ‘how’ and ‘why’ and I lose more Power. I fail to keep sight of the bigger picture and fail to bring the message in my book to the world. The message is forgotten, lost and buried in all the ‘rubbish’.

Or… I can get up 20, 30, 40, 50 times, knowing that success is my birthright. I can continue on tenaciously as I learn and grow from each lesson. And I can make effort to remain ‘present’ in my life and to change limiting habits. Regularly ‘checking and changing’ any disempowering or destructive thinking, helps me find the benefit in all situations. Detachment keeps me Powerfully Present, rather than powerlessly absent through attachment. It gives me the ability to never quit, but to weigh up my thoughts before putting them into action. It enables me to call upon my stronger Powers – my Power of Faith, of Determination, of Courage – to name a few. Presence keeps me focused on my strengths, allowing me to open to change while consistently looking for alternative ways to propel myself forward in life.

Detachment is such a beautiful Power – what I’ve learned and continue to learn is this … When diligently practiced, the Power of Detachment makes life uncomplicated, opening life to unlimited possibilities. Detachment helps me keep a firm eye on the bigger picture and frees me from the web of attachment and the dictates of others, at times being able to transform a situation altogether. It gives me Strength to rise once again, Patience and clear Judgement to know there is a reason and a season for everything and Courage when it’s time to take action. It gives me Tolerance to accept all as is, Enthusiasm and Determination to keep going and Humility and Faith that Victory is guaranteed.

Question: Do you let attachments to people and situations hold you back in life?

Consideration: What holds you back and why do you let it become an obstacle?

Action: Regularly take yourself out of your comfort zone. Prepare, Practice and be Persistent. Tests will come, that’s their job – don’t become attached to (focus on) the tests and turn them into obstacles. Instead of pointing the finger of blame, regularly ‘check and change’ your own thoughts, words and actions. And most of all, be gentle with yourself.

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