Dare to be different.

Hi EveryOne, Happy February – are you ready to use your courage this year and dare to be different? Time to honour yourself by not repeating that which you do not wish to repeat 🙂

First some news… Sooo much has happened since January’s newsletter.  After much discussion and contemplation since Christmas, Col and I decided it was time to get our own place. We loved our home in Burrum River – living on someone’s 50 acre property – but felt it was time to move out of our caravan and set up our ‘own’ place, from where we can offer meditation and spiritual programs. Well… We did it! In the short space of a few weeks, we found AND moved into a lovely 5 acre rental property. We have been here for a week – exhausted, in pain but sooo content 🙂 Stay tuned for events (remember to check my pages: https://www.meetup.com/Hervey-Bay-Holistic-Health-Spiritual-Wellbeing-Group/ or https://www.facebook.com/Resoulutions4Life/ or https://willtowonder.com.au/events.  The next day event will be ‘4 Faces of Woman’ to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March. It will be held at Dundowran Hall, if you wish to come, remember to book as there is limited space 🙂

Dare to be Different

“If you are always trying to be ‘normal’, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou

On being ‘different’ – haha – story of my life! Growing up ‘different’ is not an easy feat when as humans we all seek connection and are conditioned to fit in. But once we make the decision that it’s ok to be different, it takes despair and depression out of the equation because it brings courage and determination.

I’ve come to believe that we each have a personal calling in life that’s as individual as a fingerprint – but our conditioning teaches us something else entirely. It teaches us to fit in (to conform and be like everyone else) or risk being an outcast. Fear is insidious – so normalised in fact, that we ignore and even deny our own uniqueness (our power) in the process. When we discount our own value to fit in we not only lose ourselves, we lose our ability to create magic because we begin to shrink in our being! As Souls, we are naturally creative but the human yearning to be part of something (to belong, to fit) in the material world, squashes our imagination and crushes our spirit. A spiritual viewpoint of depression is that it’s the grieving of the loss of our true identity — darkness is the absence of light. Negating or denying our own powerful self, dims our inner light and drowns us into darkness. To be the light (the change) in the world we must embrace our difference, we must do things differently and show others that a different way is possible – then what others do with that information is up to them 🙂

You know, all my life, others have had a problem with me being different and continually try to squash my enthusiasm – and for years I blamed myself. I’ve been called a rebel, a nut, a looney, a dreamer, a trouble maker, a hippie, a space-cadet (beside all the racist slurs that kept me firmly chained in my box). I’ve been called paranoid, crazy, staunch, harsh, unrealistic and ‘too’ sensitive.  And for many years I believed them – all these people can’t be wrong, it must be me, I’m the problem! Self doubt undermined my every move and recently resurfaced to test me in a big way!  I’ve traveled a long road to get comfortable in my own skin, so no longer will I allow others to make me doubt myself again, no matter how open-hearted they appear. Though sometimes our old compulsive reactions can throw a nice little spanner in the works. Believing we’re ‘not being good enough’ takes its toll on self esteem. Living ‘unconsciously’ most of my growing years, I tried to be more like others  (in particular, white people).  I became a chronic people-pleaser (in a majority white culture) I didn’t know who I was and self sabotage took on an addictive form in my life – and like any addiction, you can’t afford one sniff or that old compulsive pattern will come barrelling down the gauntlet. So I find it interesting that when I stand by my principles I get called staunch, yet when others do it they are called brave :):)  Still I wonder, do they realise that staunch means loyal, committed in attitude, constant, steady and trustworthy?  One of the very things that people love about me (then hate about me) is the fact that I am honest and consistent – I won’t waver if I know it will be for the highest good of all – no matter how it may appear to others. If that means staunch, well then I proudly wear that term. I work hard to stay true to the path that benefits everyone spiritually which is often misinterpreted as harsh, in this earthly game called pretend. Luckily, I’ve learnt to listen to my own intuition and use my power of foresight – something I compromised for years to keep others happy – and saw as a burden rather than a gift.  Choosing to give value to the opinions of others over our own inner knowing is to be enslaved to our own senses.

Today, if others have a problem with me being different I recognise it for what it is – their problem! I don’t need to buy into it – I now choose not to pay for other peoples ‘stuff’ with my own health and wellbeing. I don’t need to prove myself nor do I shrink away. I don’t need to go back to that horrible place of doubting myself, nor do I need to use force, instead I use the situation to propel me forward.  And though it’s taken years of practice (and courage) to stay true to my spiritual path (and still I don’t always get it right the first time) I’m constantly willing to work on myself to make positive change. I’ve learnt to trust that everything has benefit no matter how painful. We can create a life of simplicity or one of many complications – it really is up to us. To keep it simple we must learn to be ok in our own skin – to not be ok with self brings instant complications because we project onto others, that which we deny in ourselves – any wonder the world is a mess.  On top of that, when we try to be what others want us to be or try to be ‘different’ just to stand out – either way, the change is based on impressing others. The simplicity of the matter is … Just be true to yourself because what others think of you is really none of your business 🙂 So take the load off, change just enough (not to become like others) but to recognise and honour your own inner beauty and stand in your uniqueness – with love!

Everyone wants authenticity yet few honour that in themselves, then judge others for having a go. But just because others may not like or support what we do, doesn’t make it wrong! So make the commitment to yourself today to bring forth your true unique self – no need to imitate others – and don’t worry what others think of you, that’s their problem… We can’t change the dense vibration we readily feel in the world if we remain part of it, so if we really dare to be different then we must stand up individually and rise above the ‘norm’ – which often means standing alone! But that’s ok, don’t be afraid, we have support! An authentic spiritual path is certainly the road less traveled but not impossible. And though it may feel lonely at times, trust that you are never alone, that you always have Divine Spirit supporting you – the One who loves you unconditionally and for free 🙂  No longer do we need to lose ourselves in the same consciousness as everyone else. You count! I count!… So here’s to the misfits. The troublemakers. The square pegs. The ones who use their courage to see things differently. The ones who use their determination to act on their inner knowing… Whether we agree or disagree with them, glorify or ridicule them, support or feel threatened by them – one thing is certain… We can’t ignore them!  They stand alone for a reason! Their purpose? To BE the change! So on finishing – I’d like to share an old Dutch saying – Do as you will because others will talk about you anyway 🙂

Question: Do I accept and embrace my uniqueness?

Contemplation: How can I consistently increase self acceptance in my life?

Activity: For the month of February practice turning inward and being silent, as often as possible throughout your day. Turning inward is not some abstract concept, on the contrary, it’s a very practical exercise. It helps you reconnect with your true self and as you do, you will stop buying into all the rubbish and negativities of the world. Giving yourself this precious time will, with practice, help you let go of that which no longer serves your higher purpose, not with anger, but with love 🙂

Lots of love,      Annemarie 🙂


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