“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller
Welcome to 2012… The start of a new year is always a great chance to start fresh, though to see life anew it helps to release the old. Power lies in the ‘experience’ only – followed closely by attachment that has a tendency to hold you back. However, letting go of the past or letting go of an outcome (the future) does not mean to run away or to cut yourself off from the world, but to pack up and finish any outlived situations, behaviors, possessions and positions in life – it means to travel light.
I’ve written about this topic before because it has (up until recently) been one of my weaker qualities. Not for lack of trying, I hung onto stuff, but this behavior just held me back, so courage enabled me to transform it into a strength… Leaving Victoria once again with fresh eyes, we head towards Leura (Blue Mountains in NSW) reflecting on my recent experiences – while letting go of everything else. Life on the road teaches us every day how to be practical and economical, helping us leave behind anything unnecessary – no waste, no regret.
After spending an amazing few weeks re-connecting with our families, I understand on a much deeper level, the power of traveling light. Appreciating each moment as a gift of time – understanding that the second a moment happens… it’s finished, it’s done, release it. Whether the experience was good or bad – be grateful, then apply a full-stop, pack it up, let it go and move on. Happiness means to de-clutter on a regular basis, a clear work space in my mind offers a clean slate to manifest wonder in life. Attachment to stuff and hoarding it, is like an air balloon wanting to soar, but anchored down by ropes. Lugging around too much stuff distracts us, our focus becomes fuzzy and our resolve weakens. Tied down and feeling heavy, we are unable to be light and cannot fly, let go.
To strengthen any quality within me, I must consistently practice applying a full-stop or a firm brake. Sharpening this powerful tool in times of happiness (seeking opportunities to put my understanding into practice) is necessary, so that when situations of stress, chaos and confusion come, I can remain calm. In fact, when I travel light in my mind throughout my day, my thoughts will be easy, my actions will reflect enthusiasm and life flows easier. Facing my fears allows me to ‘pack up’ the past – to stop and to breathe and to change direction. It allows magical things to happen in the present, as I create my new future! So ask yourself this question… Am I worth it?
Giving myself just 1 minute every hour to simply stop and bring myself back to the present moment, cultivates a present mind – it helps me to ‘pack up’ any waste of thought. Also known as Traffic Control, it means to continually start fresh, to begin with a ‘clean slate’ – a new second; a new minute; a new day; a new thought; a new idea. All it takes is just 60 seconds (that’s only 8 minutes in an 8hr working day) surely we’re all worth it. To regularly stop for Traffic Control is an act of love – for myself and for others… Giving yourself the gift of the present moment, the gift of time, benefits others automatically.
So stop for a moment. Take a breath… Look around… What does your world look like. Is it clean and light and filled with self love? Or does it feel uncertain, cluttered and complicated? Do you embrace each day grateful for another chance to change or do you awaken with apprehension? Do you enjoy new experiences or do you relive old ones? Do you entertain thoughts like – “I can’t”; “it’s too hard; it’s too late; I’m too old or too young”; “it’s not the right time; I’m not ready”; “just in case”; “it’s hopeless”? Do you behave in a limiting way that reflects these thoughts? Do you lug around old ‘stuff’ and bring it out in accordance to your own (often unaware) agenda? Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
The new year brings new ideas, new possibilities and new wonder. Yesterday is gone, it belongs to last year, it’s finished – leave it where it belongs and get on with what’s new, travel light. Today is a good time to let go of old and limiting beliefs about your self and about the world – just pack them up, throw them out and start fresh. Starting each day with just a few minutes silence to see a bright, happy day ahead – is to start with a clean slate.
Question: Is your mind filled with emotional clutter? Are you a hoarder of material objects?
Consideration: Why do you think you have collected so much stuff – in your mind and in your cupboards?
Action: Start your day with just one minute of silence – make a clear aim for the day (no matter how small). Then set your alarm on your watch or phone for every hour, over an 8 hour period. Whenever the alarm sounds, stop what you’re doing for just 60 seconds (where safe to do so). Bring yourself back to the present moment, check your breathing and your attitude – a perfect opportunity to make even one small change within yourself. It starts with one tiny baby step, then another, and another… watch your life un-clutter and open up.