Change the View…
Hi EveryOne,
Greetings from Kinka Beach (East of Rockhampton). While I convalesce from a back injury and several arthritic flares (my body telling me to rest) we are settling back into our gypsy lifestyle. Yet no matter how cosy our caravan is or how seasoned we are in living on-the-road, adjusting to change is just a part of life. Acceptance makes life so much easier. And as I’ve learnt to do when adjusting to major change, I set some goals and fine-tune others (instead of blundering my way through like I used to). This not only gives me direction but it prevents me from losing control of my emotions because as many of you know – anger, anxiety, depression – are but three of many foes that lurk in the shadows waiting to attack… So anyone wanting to change their circumstances and learn how to set realistic goals (and for those who asked me to remind them) finally here is a link to my newly revamped Online Program 🙂
Never lose your curiosity or you will lose your creativity
As we enter the beginning of winter – a time of contraction for many as we wait for mother nature’s cold hand to pass – life continues to roll on. But there comes a point in time when one realises that no matter what day, season or situation we find ourselves in we have the power to continually develop and evolve in our own life. What we put into it is what we get out of it because after all, we are the creators of our own destiny! So it doesn’t matter if it’s raining or shining what matters is our attitude at any given time. A negative attitude causes sorrow and makes change even more stressful. A positive attitude empowers and enables us to navigate life’s daily obstacle course, while strengthening our resolve. It’s our attitude that perpetuates our own belief system. And It’s our own attitude that defines us and ultimately makes or breaks us – not others!
Change is a necessary part of life and as I’ve mentioned in the past, the Law of Change states that nothing must or will remain the same – what once was new must become old! Therefore changing our view on a regular basis is fundamental so to not resist or get attached, or to not let familiarity take precedence. Familiarity can be rather dangerous because it can quietly snuff out life and shrink our very essence, if allowed to take the forefront. When we resist change, get too attached or too familiar with our surroundings we get too comfortable. Set in our ways we risk becoming careless and complacent. Attention to our own self care goes out the window as does effective communication in our relationships. We start having expectations and now we have someone to blame! So how do I know when I’ve unconsciously slipped into a comfort zone? How do I know it’s time to change the view? When I find myself thinking and doing the same things in the same way – over and over – without growth. This is when life and the people in our lives get taken for granted and ‘entitlement’ is exercised rather than viewing life as a gift. Lack of attention gets us here and fear keeps us here! Fear of the unknown… Fear of failure… Fear of success! Yep you heard it, success is feared almost as much as failure because with success comes responsibility (no longer can we blame or judge anyone or anything that does not fit into our scope of the world). A different broader view helps us keep moving forward in life and enables us to feel good about ourselves, creating space for us to embrace the specialities and successes of others.
A comfort zone doesn’t necessarily mean a physical place, like our home or workplace. Though they can certainly become areas of comfort – even when we loathe being there. We can also get too comfortable in toxic relationships… We know they are bad for us yet we stay! And if we do leave, we often find ourselves back in the same situation. Perhaps the same relationship or maybe a new one with different faces and places but the same emotional ‘stuff’! Studies show that those with addictive and compulsive personalities often go back into the same situation – even at their own detriment… Why would you go back into an abusive relationship or go back on drugs after rehab? Because it’s familiar – it’s what we know – sad but true! Then of course there’s the rigid familiarity of our own beliefs, opinions and dictates as well. We can get quite ‘comfortable’ in our own mind – so much so we stagnate – instead denying, projecting and pointing the finger elsewhere for fear of being exposed. Disempowering habits will repeatedly take us back to our comfort zone unless we change our attitude – which includes changing those beliefs that clip our own wings.
Resistance to change creates unnecessary suffering – our own torment is commonly caused by our own defiance. No-one likes rejection so stepping out of our comfort zone will often be met with fear and trepidation. Resisting at all cost we dig in our heels while compromising our own wellbeing, which is a high price to pay. Living life in continual resistance restricts us, leaving no room for growth or effective communication, we become emotionally irrational and the simple act of living zaps all our vital energy. Living life through a limiting perspective closes off any opportunity for change because it’s depleting. Our curiosity gets stifled when we stay in our comfort zone which effects our creativity – when we lose our curiosity we lose our creativity! Our view of the world remains narrow at best and judging anyone who shows a little courage to have a go, becomes the norm. However, keeping a close vigil on my own thoughts gives me the ability to regularly adjust my own attitude (my view of the world). It gives me courage to venture outside my comfort zone with a mindset of victory, enabling me to empower others and to be genuinely happy for their success.
We are each born with amazing gifts to facilitate a life of wonder but most don’t use them preferring to blame others for their lack of success, any wonder stress is at an all time high! Jealousy and resentment of someone else’s success becomes common place. The energy once given to our cause is now arid as we lose our sense of curiosity and creativity, our forward momentum and our grip on reality. We get stuck in a moment of time and struggle letting go – choosing to stay stuck in the past. No matter how bad the experience some will just replay the past over and over and over. The past is gone – it’s not a place we can visit – yet we keep revisiting the same scenario in our mind. Let it Go! Change the View (your perspective)! It’s absolutely worth it 🙂 You see, curiosity gets us out of the starting gate, sparking creativity to bring wonder into being. Curiosity gets us asking why. Creativity gets us thinking and doing in a different way! We can’t afford to stay stuck in our old, rigid thinking any more. We can no longer remain in our self imposed limitations! It’s time to break free! Do it Now!
Question: Is my view limiting me in my life? If so, do I make continual effort to change my perspective regardless of what’s happening or do I let people or situations block my progress?
Consideration: Why do I allow them to interfere with my own development?
Action to Take: To activate your creative side, keep your curiosity alive. Do something each day (no matter how small) in the name of ‘research’. Curiosity enhances learning and will drive you to explore not only the world but your individual tiny (yet significant) part in it. This will help you let go of worrying about what others think of you. And will help change your view (perspective) automatically bringing meaning and purpose into your life 🙂