‘When I change, the world changes’ … change really does start with ME!!!

Making changes in my life however is not always easy, in fact, it can be one of the most challenging things we have to do as humans – and just because I may be ready to change, does not mean others around me will be, so it pays to practice patience as I will be challenged.

It’s not unusual that when we start to make positive change and start truly respecting ourselves, those close to us may rise up and challenge us. They may say hurtful things or behave in a controlling manner.   Why would they not cooperate?!… Maybe they are comfortable with our role of always being available. Maybe they just don’t want us to succeed. Or maybe they’re afraid because they will be forced out of their comfort zone (which we helped them build with our own behavior).  We teach others how to treat us – we may say ‘no’ but our actions may say ‘yes, it’s ok to abuse my generosity’. Getting stuck on such questions is a waste of our Power, instead send them love through your thoughts, pay attention to your own attitude and keep going.

It’s equally not unusual for our own limiting habits and negative thought patterns to rise up and challenge us. When I issue a challenge to change, I receive test papers. How else will I know if I am passing or failing in that area of my life? How else will I know where, how or what to change? We all receive test papers in life … If I accept these tests as an opportunity to learn, grow, move upwards and onwards, the easier I will pass. A crucial point to remember is that there are consequences from past choices and actions, so don’t assume that just because you’ve made some changes today that everything will be easy – an area where many fail and quit as they believe what they are doing is not working and go back to their old ways, saying things like ‘what’s the point?’. However if I keep going, life really does become easier, as I pay more attention to my own thoughts, words and actions – not those of others.

Change is a process, it doesn’t happen in one day – it takes time and effort. Effort means the following – ef = effect, fort = strength (using my own strength to effect positive change), it does not mean to ‘labor‘ through it. It does however pay to commit myself to the task and take daily action (steps) towards that outcome – no matter how small. It means that if I fall down, I get back up. If I fall again, I get back up again – review it and move on. If I fall down 10 times, I get up 11, 12, 13, 14 times … and just keep going. My Power to face and Power of faith and determination are just some of my Virtues to get me over many hurdles. Consistently using my Virtues (we each have many) as my compass helps me stay on track and this is what gives me Value in life. The more I Value myself, the more others will too 🙂

Question: Do you have difficulty making change stick?

Contemplation: Why do you think it’s so difficult to stick to it?

Activity: For the month of April practice each day to pick just one of your special Qualities. Each day focus only on this one Power and use this Power to make one small shift. By the end of April see how many Powers / Virtues / Values / Specialities / Qualities you OWN and use them to take many small steps towards your aim. Remember to pay attention to your behavior (this is owning your Power), not the behavior of others (this is disempowering – to you and to them)

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