As we near the much talked about Solar Eclipse on the 14th November, it’s a good opportunity to do a little ‘housecleaning’. This is an auspicious time to let go of possessions, old situations and people that no longer serve you. A time for getting rid of anything that clutters your mind and heart, a time to lay blame to rest – to make living in harmony with the world a possibility – by bringing in the new.
It’s easy to blame something outside yourself, since it’s usually outside ourselves we look for fulfillment. However when I use courage to truly look within, not only do I find treasures, I find answers. The deeper I look the more I find and the blaming game ends, life feels magical again and possibilities abound.
Ok so life’s not all roses right now – the government is corrupt, your neighbours are noisy, your family takes you for granted, your friends use you, your boss bullies you, the education system is a joke, the health system is appalling, people are mean and ‘everything keeps changing’… That’s Life! Instead of complaining about it, what am I doing to make life better – what am I doing practically that shows proof in my life? If I keep finding ‘reasons’ to not step up to the plate, I begin to pity myself. Naturally I must ask myself – do I talk about change, while judging others for not changing? Do I beat up on myself for not ‘doing better’? Do I envy those truly making change? Or do I fear being left behind? You see, I can find many things to complain and worry about… or I can just start focusing on life’s possibilities.
Change is the only constant in our magnificent universe – I must flow with it, not resist it!… If I lose control, I get sucked into a destructive vacuum – against my own will. I lose the ability to choose and I lose my freedom. If I want happiness, I must create it. If I want peace, I must be it. If I want stability in my life, I must become stable within this ever-changing scenery called life. If I don’t do this for myself I become part of the millions who complain under compulsion – who compulsively behave negative and self destructive. Instead of remaining a Worthy Warrior I become weak from worry – I become a weak worrier – difficult to make changes when I see myself as a victim.
Complaining resolves nothing – it certainly doesn’t create peace. Many believe that ‘justified complaining’ is ok, that ‘justified anger’ is ok – that just rationalises our behaviour 🙂 When I complain and get angry I become part of a culture that gradually snuffs out the wonder for life. I’m not talking about simply expressing a need and finding a solution, I’m talking about constantly complaining while I wait for someone else to fix things.
Yes, there are some terribly sad scenes happening, but I will be of no help to anyone if I become ’emotional’ . Getting overwhelmed by emotion usually renders our practical skills ineffective and I stop being part of the solution – imagine a paramedic overwhelmed by emotion, while trying to save a life… No, practical means I get the job done (lovingly) regardless of how I feel.
if I regularly go inside to nurture and strengthen my well-spring of calm and patience, then I won’t be influenced by what is going on around me. This of course takes practice, but simply not contributing to the negative and gradually but consciously making this inner shift to the positive, I begin to generate a little love and power from the inside. When I put this into a practical form – through positive thoughts, constructive words, and powerful actions – I CAN make a difference and thus create a rippling effect.
People often say “what’s the point, one person can’t make a difference, why bother”. Magic continuously happens when I remain practical in my life – when I do what I know. Wisdom is to experience the situation, to do it practically (not theoretically)… So no more procrastinating – just take a single step – the time around the eclipse is a perfect time to let go and start anew! — Don’t think “I Can’t…” Think “I CAN…” — Practical means I will SEE it when I BELIEVE it – it’s putting faith into action – breathing life into a vision. I can’t turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, if I believe it only after I see it. Believe in magic and magic happens. When I start by LOVING ME from the inside – I realise I need nothing from outside to love me back. Believe it or not, this actually makes it easier to love others because the love that flows will be unconditional 🙂
Question: Do you constantly complain about the world (be Honest)? Do you have trouble letting go of blame and emotions from the past? Do you constantly worry about the future?
Consideration: Why do you think you complain? Why do you think you blame? Why do you prefer the past and/or dread the future?
Action: For the next month pay close attention to your thoughts (thoughts are the seeds of our actions and repeated actions become habits). Every time you catch yourself chewing on old ‘stuff’, or entertaining old habits of complaining, comparing, competing, criticising, conforming, controlling or placing conditions on your love… STOP, breathe and bring in something new. Be gentle with yourself, keep it fun and interesting to make shifting from negative to positive, easier… Magic will start to appear – open your eyes and SEE, open your ears and LISTEN
Create a wonderful day, Annemarie 🙂