Being Grateful …
Hi EveryOne,

After a bit of a whirlwind few months as I transition into the next phase of my journey in life – and indeed continue to grow in my spiritual life – I sit here and reflect on all the things I’m grateful for… Life has its ups and downs (that’s a given) but recognising the abundance in these ‘blessings in disguise’ (being grateful) helps us keep a positive mindset – to not only get through these life lessons but to learn, grow and even thrive, in spite of them 🙂

So, here I am propped up in bed this wonderful Wednesday morning as I nurture and nourish myself and appreciate this well earned rest before we head off to Leura on Saturday… But because I had to cancel today’s meditation class in Burrum Heads (worried about letting others down) I did initially wake with that old guilt in my heart… Then I remembered that it was out of my control and realised it just triggered that old ‘people-pleasing stuff’. And since worrying (and people-pleasing) is such a waste of precious time and energy – I bathed myself in love, sent love to our beautiful meditation group, then sent love out into the world 🙂

You know, oftentimes when life doesn’t exactly go as planned, our default programming is to focus on the negative, the ‘problem’. However, it ’s only a problem when we call it a problem – and it’s this ‘problematic portion’ of the whole circumstance that pulls us in and weighs us down. Meanwhile we ignore, block or completely miss the beauty and wonder in that situation… So I thought I would share just a few of the things I’m grateful for today to help remind you that life really isn’t that bad – that life IS all about experience and what YOU create from that experience.

  1. Divine Timing – 1.1. Getting home safe after class last night, as the suspension on my car decided to pack it up. 1.2. Having a wonderful mechanic who is coming over tonight after work to fix it (knowing we are going away in a few days). 1.3. That the suspension broke now (not when we’re on the road, heading down to Leura)… 1.4. I get to rest 🙂
  2. Blessings in disguise – ‘Life’ may appear against us at times but upon closer inspection (and keeping an open and trusting heart) one can see and appreciate the blessing that (if nothing else) helps us slow down, pay attention and appreciate… We may not always get what we want but we always get what we need and that’s certainly something to be grateful for 🙂
  3. My health – Yes, I have bodily issues these days (though nothing compared to even 5 years ago)… So regardless of the pain, I’m forever grateful for my health and wellbeing, the lessons I’ve learned and for the new adventures it has brought 🙂
  4. My inner power – We each have so many virtues – our innate gifts and strengths – that when applied in life, give us power beyond all physical measure. But it’s up to us – use it or lose it!
  5. My Attitude – It’s easy to hone into what we don’t have or what we can’t (or no longer can) do. It’s another thing entirely to appreciate what we have and to use that power to strengthen the things we CAN do! I’m forever grateful for the ability to keep a positive attitude, to appreciate both highs and lows because I choose to see the benefit in both.
  6. My ability to motivate myself – Motivation is all important to keep moving forward (or to just keep moving). This point brings me back to our Attitude! A positive attitude nourishes motivation (to use the ‘negatives’ to our advantage, rather than let the ‘negatives’ dictate our perception, our behaviour and our stories)… I thought I would share this link to motivate you 🙂 🙂

Question: What am I grateful for today?

Consideration: What do I prefer… Being grateful? Or focusing on the negative?… How can I be more positive?

Action: Get yourself a journal (any small note book is just fine). Upon waking each day (or at the very least, before you start rushing around) write just 3 things you are grateful for. Then if or whenever you feel your mood sliding down – STOP… BREATHE… And remind yourself of what you’re grateful for today.

Happy practicing everyone, love Annemarie x

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