Are you Content?…


As we leave behind the old and step into the new, I asked myself – Am I content?… Am I so full that I do not need to wear an external mask to hide any type of emptiness?… Am I able to cooperate with others and make others content on the basis that I remain at ease with myself, regardless of the circumstances?… It was a good opportunity to check myself, to see that my outer world reflected my inner fullness (or emptiness). You know, Contentment is a wonderful virtue – an inner strength that gives you amazing power in times of chaos and distress – when regularly practiced. It’s Contentment’s Power that helps us overcome adversity, though in a world where discontentment is growing on every corner and where the finger of blame is over-used.

So what does it mean to have the Power of Contentment under my rule?… It means I have the ability to fill myself full – from the inside. It means I never weigh heavily on others because I remain full – never allowing myself to become empty. Regular ‘top ups’ through consistently nourishing and nurturing myself, is important. It prevents me from getting influenced or distracted by the behaviour of others – instead, I live each day content and grateful – for all I have and all I am able to do. I do not seek to control others nor do I let others control me. I am never deceived by or dependent on external support or stimuli – I create my own happiness. I don’t need to prove myself nor do I need to enforce ‘my way’ on others. Through remaining full inside, I am able to enjoy and appreciate life without expectation. It means that regardless of what’s happening, I am able to remain content and make others content in the process.

The ability to see the benefits in all situations keeps me content with every small step I take. Whether I’m successful or not is irrelevant, I’m content because I simply have a go – I use my courage, faith and determination to see and take opportunities that greet me along the path of life. Understanding the never-ending power in Contentment, is like receiving the key to the meaning of life… Imagine yourself being able to cope well with different scenes in life. How amazing will it be when you are able to remain constant, stable and content, because you understand the value of regularly topping yourself up and never allowing yourself to run down or burn out. Remaining full, keeps you happy – it doesn’t mean to be thoughtless or careless towards others who may be struggling. On the contrary – the more content I am, the more able I will be to support others in times of need – without co-suffering.

Fear and Contentment cannot live together, because when you have your Power of Contentment under control, all your other powers (such as Courage, Determination and Cooperation) will serve you well and at the right time. If your actions are not done with contentment in your heart, you won’t enjoy life to the fullest – complaining, criticising and blaming as you resent and resist life. You won’t make others content either with an attitude of resentment, you will just evoke resistance in them too. Resistance however is futile – in a world where the Law of Change exists… So what else is there to do, but to practice being content?…

Question: 1. Are you Content? 2. Do you give yourself time and permission to regularly fill yourself up (nurture and nourish yourself) so that your inner treasure store is never empty or wanting more?…

Consideration: if yes, what are you doing that’s working and what are you doing that could be enhanced?… If no, why are you allowing yourself to run empty?

Action: Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than normal. Giving yourself as little as 10 minutes a day – to top up is powerful, especially at the start of each day. This may consist of 10min of meditation, reflection, contemplation. It may consist of spending silent time sitting in your garden, or walking or gently stretching or doing breathing exercises. 10 minutes just for you, so be creative and mindful with your self nourishment. It also helps to set a small, doable, positive aim for the day (today I will be calm ….) then check and change yourself regularly throughout the day to incorporate this aim… Just like your car – if you keep yourself topped up and regularly maintained – you will be content and happily hum along the highway of life 🙂

May you all create a happy, powerful, contented 2013 – Annemarie

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