Power to Withdraw (Revision)

Hi EveryOne,

Before we continue on with revising the rest of our 21 Powers previously studied, here is the last of our 8 Master Powers. Interesting how our Power to Withdraw was drawn last, considering it’s a rather essential foundation of silence for all our other Powers. Perhaps it was meant to be this way so it can be emphasised in silence 🙂  This Power is another one of those inner strengths that is often mistaken as a weakness and ‘cutting ourselves off’ is how it is understood. Upon taking a closer look, we realise it’s simply about learning to become the observer through practicing inner silence. Learning to take a step back from a person, a situation or even from our own thoughts, before responding, is the essence of this Power. Not to instantly judge or complain, justify or deny, criticise or blame – but to stop and breathe and become conscious in our responses.

This Power doesn’t give us licence to hide-away or sit-out life. On the contrary, this power and indeed all our Powers are given to us to help us navigate the realm of relationships and connections, in a positive and empowering way. But they must be applied (activated) to be helpful! When we struggle in any area of life, it indicates our own lack (weakness) in that power – it’s that simple – we don’t have to go into a whole scientific explanation of it. The more we use this amazing Power the more we can tolerate (not condone) the bad behaviour of others, as it stops us from getting sucked into their negative vacuum. It helps us recognise where we may be reacting to them in a disempowering way, hence reclaiming our own power (and giving them an opportunity to do the same). Remember, when we react compulsively we give others our power and we instantly give them permission to dictate the terms.

Our 8th Master Power – Power to Withdraw – Revision





1. The more you learn to observe and monitor the inner rhythm of your own responses the less you will react irrationally to any situation or person. This is an awesome (and subtle) way to take control of the reins of your own life.

2. Getting comfortable with silence is important… Not as in the ‘silent treatment’ of others but inner silence (as in not looking for distractions) so you will know what to do or not do! 

3. Turning inward regularly throughout your day is not only economical but it can help cool down potentially heated situations. It serves everyone because if it’s unable to stop that ‘train wreck’ from eventuating, it will at the very least slow it down and minimise the casualties.

Questions to churn:

1. How often throughout my day do I practice silence to ‘check and change’ myself?

2.  Do I focus more on what others are doing (or not doing) instead of focusing on checking myself? If yes, why?

3. How can ‘Withdrawing’ help me in my current situation?

Once an action has been performed it cannot be undone. Power to Withdraw shows us to think before we leap. It teaches us how to Tolerate and Pack Up and Discern and Judge (accurately) and Cooperate and Adjust and Face – stopping us from allowing others to steal our bit of peace. This beautiful gentle Power can help us set things right in our life 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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