2018 – The Year to Lighten the Load!   

Hi EveryOne,

Welcome to 2018 – the Year to Lighten the Load… Another year’s over (which for many was a very difficult and heavy one). But it’s finished now, it’s done and dusted – we can’t take it back and we can’t change it. So what’s left to do?… Let it go. So work with me now to consciously leave it behind and welcome in the new.  2018 is just beginning – a wonderful time to remind ourselves to keep life light and uncomplicated. It’s of no use to anyone to keep lugging old ‘stuff around. And since 2018 adds up to 11 it’s a rather auspicious number as 11, 22, 33, 44, etc in numerology are classed as Master Numbers. What’s more, apparently 11 is also seen as a spiritual sign for new beginnings. What a wonderful year to lighten the load 🙂

So where to start?… Well, lets cut through the ‘red tape’ of life and go straight to our emotions. Because we are each living a human experience, it’s easy to confuse our emotions with our feelings – leaving us bewildered when life spirals into complication and chaos. But to move forward easier, it helps to be clear on one thing… Life itself is not complicated! Life in fact, is rather simple and beautiful. It’s when we allow our emotions to be our driving force (rather than to let our emotions guide us) that we get overwhelmed by them. You see, emotions are there to help us recognise that something is not quite right. It’s an agitation of the mind calling for our attention – which when ignored manifests in disempowered actions and reactions. Instead of responding positively and powerfully, we are compelled to go against our will (and our better judgement).

Working on healing ourselves (through managing and resolving our own emotions) stops us from trying to ‘fix’ others. 2018 is a wonderful year to look at this area – especially if nothing else has worked. Otherwise we will keep buying the rubbish of others and keep paying for it with our own peace of mind and wellbeing – not a light way to live is it? When we consistently work on healing ourselves our power to discern will strengthen. Others won’t be able to deceive us so we won’t get caught in expectation, competitiveness and blame. This way we can move forward unencumbered and enthusiastically. This way we can remind ourselves of the important things in life so that we can appreciate the little things – the butterfly, the starry sky, the kookaburra laughing, the sunflower, the simple times spent with loved ones. Returning back to nature helps us return to our essence as a means to lighten the load and by lightening our own load we hand back that which does not belong to us… Other people’s ‘stuff’. It’s called Self Care.  And the best gift we can give others (and indeed ourselves) is the gift of continual self development, and thus, healing.

So lets stop finding ‘reasons’ as to why this is not the right time. Lets stop being ‘too busy’ to make time for our own healing – as John Lennon says in his song Beautiful Boy “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.  So lets not continue to carry unhealed wounds that manifest in destructive emotions (that, make no mistake, will undermine our every move and sabotage all our hard work). Lets stop it here and now. Lets breathe into the pain and release it into the ether and let it go once and for all. Lets reclaim our individual power with love and acceptance, and make this world beautiful once again 🙂

Question:  Which values have I compromised and forgotten?..

Consideration:  Why do I compromise and forget my own worth?…

Action:  Each day this month pay attention to your own worth, to transcend any old ‘stuff’. Some of it will be uncomfortable, but know that it has to emerge in order for us to face it (with courage and love) and consciously let it go. So breathe and release… Breathe and release… Breathe and release…

Happy New Year EveryOne – may you manifest only positivity and upliftment. And may you travel light once again 🙂

Lots of love, Annemarie

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