Hi everyone, greetings from sunny (rainy) Townsville haha… By the sounds of it, we have all had a fortnight of challenges, tests and amazing realisations – such wonderful opportunities in disguise – to learn, to grow, to change, to teach… to learn, to grow, to change, to teach… We just need to keep practicing what we learn, in order to grow and change and teach others (by example, not through words because lip service is available everywhere). Knowledge IS power but only when we apply it in our life on a daily basis – simply talking about it changes nothing as it gets stored away as information – useless and a waste of space in our already overloaded minds. Essentially we must create clear boundaries, keep our vision broad and our minds open, which when practiced, the Power to Withdraw enables us to do 🙂

Keep up the wonderful work – one baby step at a time – so that magic can find it’s way into our hearts and spread out into the world. Here are your stories of trial, triumph and self realisation – thank you once again for your honest contributions…

— Many are finding themselves using this Power the most – including me – allowing themselves to go within and tap into their “essence, peace, wisdom and spiritual experiences that keeps expanding”…. (This is wonderful 🙂

— Withdrawing enables some to recognise their own love and unlimitedness, allowing themselves to experience that love, to understand which direction they need to go…. (Very important to keep tapping into our own love to help us to decide – well done!)

— Having to Withdraw from a situation after staying too long, believing they could control their emotions. Once emotions began to rule had to Withdraw (as opposed to choosing to). Allowed self ‘alone’ time to reflect on own feelings and how situation could have been a lot worse had they not ‘withdrawn’… (Excellent recognition, this is how we learn to discern situations and over time will be able to Withdraw sooner rather than later 🙂

— Use of other Powers such as Power to Pack Up irrational emotions and fears helped alongside Power of Silence, enabling intuition to guide them… (Fantastic!)

— Using this group to inspire – to help keep them motivated…. (Thank You, this is great 🙂

— Using Power to Withdraw, to Detach and “to let go and let God” in whatever they do… (Wonderful to tap into a higher source)

— Many found this Power difficult and felt they gave it away… again! Getting caught up with pointing the finger, but at least recognising where and when they ‘gave away their power’. Some were also aware that they could have used other Powers such as Power to Tolerate and Power of Patience… (Remember to let it go and keep moving forward, congratulate yourselves for noticing – as opposed to being unconscious. Well Done!)

— Many dealing with family issues – some are working through conflict in the home while others are working through painful separations. Withdrawing and Silence has helped manage for the most part to calm down noise and chaos in and around them, enabling them to not “buy into situations”. Also withdrawing to not get “too involved or vocal”… (Not easy, but so powerful and probably saved a lot of unnecessary anguish – well done)

— Through practicing this power and other powers, has enabled many of you to help others – friends, relatives, work mates – some have even leant their copy of Will to Wonder to help them…. (The more we help ourselves, the more we can help others – this means ‘to pass it forward’ – Wonderful and thank you 🙂

By the way, over the duration of this study program many have expressed their gratitude for being part of this group – simply through being able to contribute their individual experiences and sharing those of others. Helping ourselves to realise our own ability to hold on to our own serenity and peace, no matter what, is how we inspire others… I too am very appreciative of being a part of such a wonderfully resilient and ever empowering group… See you on Monday, have an excellent weekend, keep practicing, keep learning, keep growing, keep changing… and most of all, keep teaching by example 🙂

Much love to you all, Annemarie

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