Going Higher

Hi EveryOne,  I hope this email finds you well and that you’re staying inspired to always find new ways to keep Going Higher, even if you’re surrounded by lower vibrations …

Some News:

  • Heads up Burrum Heads… Meditation classes are recommencing from 15th August …                   Raja Yoga Meditation Tuesdays 8 – 9am;  AND Hoop Chi Tuesdays 9.30 – 10.30am.  Community Hall. (Hoop-Chi is a combination of Qi Gong, Yoga and Meditation using a small lightweight hula hoop).   To support these programs please share the news.
  • Meditation classes on our property in Dallarnil – every Wednesday morning; and 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month 9.30 – 10.30.
  • Remember to visit my Youtube channel for inspiration – here’s one that fits this topic – enjoy.  If you gain benefit please remember to like, share and subscribe to build the channel, to serve more Souls. https://youtu.be/porjo-Hu8jE
  • Last but not least – thank you so much to all the beautiful souls for your loving thoughts, support and generosity over the last 8 months. It has been a slow recovery and though I’m still working towards a ‘new norm’ as there is permanent damage, my Doctor assures me that considering the severity and rareness of my situation, I’m doing really well – so onward and upward I go 🙂

Going Higher…

How do I stay high and keep going higher when circumstances may be trying to pull me down?  One way is to keep a sense of humour. This way, when others vibe low I will feel it instantly and rather than get caught and entangled, disarmed and weighed down – I can simply vibe high and keep going higher… You know, we can only hold others up for so long before they start pulling us down, if they are not regularly ‘upgrading’ themselves. So wait, is that my job, to hold others up? Is it my job to keep them accountable or make them happy?  NO!… My only job is to pull myself up and to live by example. So let’s stop being angry at life’s injustices – let’s drop the sword (stop bracing ourselves) and let’s start embracing life by stay high.

I can’t control life. I can’t change the weather. And I certainly can’t change or control what others believe, what they think and say, or how they choose to behave. I can only control and change me – though granted this does take practice – especially if I’m being ‘poked’. So let me focus on cultivating my strengths instead of creating habits that see me slogging away at fixing my faults or trying to fix them or fix the situation. I have no right – that’s a job for the Divine. So rather than interfere with the karmic lessons of another or let them interfere with mine, let me just focus on loving myself instead.  Let me also stay out of my own way and surrender any attachment to any person or situation. Let me not force or block others nor let others force or block me. Let me focus on myself and what I need to do to progress forward because progress is a process, it’s not an event that happens in a day, a weekend or even a week. Filling my own cup first is not selfish, it’s essential. It is my right and my responsibility to fill up with Divine love, so I don’t look to others to fill me or let others look to me to fill them. Instead others can drink from my full and overflowing cup without me ever feeling empty – though this does take time and practice – and it helps to have self awareness. 

Self awareness means I don’t identify with any limiting labels attached to my physical form or my daily roles (I will recognise them but I won’t identify with them). Self awareness means to realise I am a Soul and to realise means I must live my life according to spiritual truth, for anything less would be to deceive myself. Remembering myself as a Soul – a peaceful, powerful, loveful, blissful being of light – I will remember that others are too. If however, they choose to go low by leaning into their shadow, that’s their choice, it’s not up to me to turn them around (uplift them) but rather to be an example. This keeps my light bright and keeps me feeling light. All I need to do is stay high, shine and invite others onto the ‘stage’. To step off my own stage to help others would not be very smart, for I can only truly ‘help’ others by staying high. So let me accept that I need to be me, so I can let them be them. Let me stay high and just keep going higher.

Question: When others go low do I stay high or do I allow them to pull me down to their level?

Consideration:  What is it in me that I need to change to stay high and to keep going higher?

Action:   Every time you feel heavy, check yourself – is it my own emotions pulling me down low? Then let me breathe and release, and pick myself up and go high… Or is it others pulling me down low? Then let me breathe and release, and pick myself up and go high.

Love Annemarie

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