Hi everyone,


It’s becoming automatic these days – smiling when I draw the next Power for us to practice. My faith continues to grow each day as it confirms how accurate the ‘Drama’ of life is – even if we don’t see the benefit instantly – as often the benefit can be very subtle… But it’s always there 🙂

Our next Power blends perfectly with our Power of Determination and our Power to be Flexible (still to come), so naturally a perfect Power to practice. Like Enthusiasm, this Power is an Art, it’s contagious and prevents us from being pulled down by any negativity or heaviness in the atmosphere. It enables us to stay light and even creates space to transform negative into positive – uplifting those around us – not always easy but very powerful indeed.

Determination is essential if we are to succeed in any outcome, but when we forget to use this next Power simultaneously, Determination can turn into dogmatic stubbornness. Stubbornness is the complete opposite to remaining light and is often accompanied by sorrow. Our next Power makes light work of something challenging and creates fuel to keep us going – without laboring :)…

Our 26th Power – Power to be Cheerful…

The Power to be Cheerful…

It’s like a life-raft on turbulent seas.

It can keep us light and stable,

without the discomfort of shaky knees.

It can swiftly wipe out fear or doubt –

and uplift when feeling weighed down.

It can brighten up a day –

transforming a smile from a downturned frown.

It can light up a path,

that is gloomy and ever so dark.

It’s a match struck with love,

re-igniting even the tiniest spark 🙂

** The Power to be Cheerful is the ability to remain light and easy without minimizing the pain of others. It enables me to solve any problem at hand rather than feed it, because I focus on the light, not the dark. Remaining cheerful not only keeps me happy, it gives others hope that everything will be ok. This turns problems into solutions 🙂

** I am the Cheerful Bird… I have a beautiful voice that sings for no particular reason. Whether it rains or shines I continue to sing my cheerful song. I do not let the ‘weather’ of negative attitudes or situations dull my sound. I continue to sing (not in spite of others) but to inspire others to remain light and easy…

** Supporting Virtues: Love, Flexibility, Discernment, Courage, Lightness, Respect

Questions to churn:

1. Do I shrink away or become forceful when the going gets tough?

2. Do others cooperate with me or do they resist or move away from me?

3. Do I remain cheerful in adverse circumstances?


1. When challenging situations arise – check yourself to ensure you don’t become forceful, nor that you shrink away – but to keep ‘singing’.

2. When others don’t cooperate, resist or move away from you – check yourself.

3. Being cheerful is an Art and like any Artist, practice makes perfect.

We were incredibly busy on the weekend as we catered for around 160 guests at the Retreat Centre. It was a wonderful, learning experience that did not come without ‘test papers’ to check how well we are each progressing in our goal of Self Transformation… Remaining Cheerful helped us ‘pass’ most challenges though the instant reminders came when we individually reacted to certain situations – reminding us to stop and breathe or risk disempowering ourselves and in turn others. Tests will always come, so never become complacent or arrogant in your efforts to change 🙂

Being Cheerful enables me to Master my Power of Determination in an easy going manner – it empowers me to empower others. To remain Cheerful means to remain accurate in all I do because my mind is clear and my heart remains clean – no matter how tired I am 🙂

Enjoy everyone – stay cheerful and light, Lots of Love Annemarie

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