Yesterday was RU OK? Day… However, we should take time in our lives every day to check on our selves and on each other, to see how we are going, how we are coping, how we are able to make some positive change… Start today to help yourself, become the lighthouse for others so they know they are not alone. They then can help themselves… and in turn they can help others. Be the ripple… Be the spark… Be the light shining in the dark…

As we have been practicing compassion, this theme is rather appropriate… Compassion for myself, compassion for others, compassion for nature. Everything and everyone is suffering in some form or manner so lets show compassion to each other… As the song goes ‘he aint heavy, he’s my brother’.

I read a rather disturbing and sad news article yesterday, where a man followed another man at the train station and tried to rob him. The victim tried to walk away and tripped, falling onto the railway tracks and laid there unconscious. The robber watched then proceeded to rob him and left him on the tracks and was hit by a train – losing his foot and no doubt all faith in mankind.

Lets stop this non-sense and cooperate with a with each other, give with a generous heart – knowing that somewhere somehow it will come back… what goes around certainly will come around – one way or another – whether we see it instantly or not. Therefore charity truly starts at home – be generous to yourself so you can be generous to others. Instead of having R U OK day once a year, lets turn it into each and every day. Lets show compassion by watching out for each other every day 🙂

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