Hi EveryOne,

Thank you again to those who have already responded, wow you guys are simply amazing – you keep inspiring me to keep going! Would love to hear from some of the quieter members, to hear your stories of how these powers work (or don’t work) for you. Just a few lines is all that’s needed – it’s not necessary to write big essays – it simply helps keep you motivated if you feel accountable and it helps the rest of us too, even if you think you have nothing to say 🙂

I’m getting towards the end of my 2nd book and will be getting ready to publish in next few months. I get tested quite a bit in this area because though I love to write, I find publishing, marketing and distribution (though necessary) a rather daunting task. In particular – as I mentioned last week – each time I experience a ‘flare’ I feel I get that little bit further behind. So my Power to be Calm is coming in very handy, as are my Powers to Withdraw, to Pack Up and to Tolerate – just to name a few 🙂

I spent a whole day just getting my ‘isbn numbers – log book’ back (isbn’s are necessary when publishing). I bought a bulk amount at the time of publishing Will to Wonder, to save myself some time and stress (or so I thought) haha, had to really use my Power to be Flexible and Adjust today 🙂 My point is that I’m always so grateful that I have awareness of my Powers, I try to imagine how I would manage without them and I shudder – it’s just up to me to use them every day so that when challenging times come (and they do) I can manage them much easier and calmer. Times when we easily forget are usually the times we need them the most – when we do apply our powers in that particular situation, they will be the most beneficial and most transformative – because we’ve managed to change negative into positive.

Questions to churn on:

– What do I do to remain calm? Do I practice it regularly as a means of prevention or do I wait till I get caught?…

– Do I blame others for losing my cool?…

– How might I be able to help transform a heated situation by remaining calm (not aloof or non-caring) but calm?…

Transformation takes place in the here and now! It’s the second we recognise a need to ‘redirect’ then instantly taking that opportunity to ‘Check and Change’. The most difficult times to practice being calm are the times we need it the most. Don’t get caught in the ‘stressalator’ of life, pull up well before!

Life is too short to live a life of stress, remember, we can’t control life. We can’t control how others behave, we can’t control the weather, we can’t control recessions, we can’t control computers (god knows we try)… Instead try controlling your own senses by being calm more often, through regularly pulling yourself up. It’s a great exercise to maintain awareness of your own thoughts, actions and reactions.

Lots of love Annemarie

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