Hi everyone,


Another month over as September comes to a close with evidence everywhere that Trust is an essential tool to have, to slice away any illusion of control or conformism. Trusting that when all is said and done, I am happy with my own efforts – to live with no regrets means to Trust that everything happens for a reason and I have done all I can do… That even the painful events in life have a place in this world drama, a play that is playing out right before our very eyes – a play that we are each so very much a part of – after all, we cannot create a play without actors! Don’t stop Trusting just because you’ve made a mistake, or because someone else has made a mistake – practice makes perfect! If we stop Trusting, we stop trying – Trust simply for the sake of Trusting 🙂

I’ve really enjoyed working on this power, it’s been quite enlightening. Our efforts in applying any power strengthens our willingness to simply have a go – without fear of failure – but always learning and growing in the process… Trust shines light on my path and lightens my load in life – understanding that to be responsible for my life does NOT mean I carry the burdens of living – has been somewhat liberating. It doesn’t mean I start to watch what others do to test my intuition, it simply means I Trust in life because I have any compulsions under control and I can therefore Trust myself. Even if someone makes a promise, whether they are able to keep their promise or not becomes irrelevant. I simply Trust that all is as it should be and recognize the opportunity to rise to the next level, when others come to test my power.

Here are your contributions – thank you, your courage continues to inspire me 🙂

– Many struggled with Trust due to past “betrayals” but are understanding the need to Trust themselves first…. (Wonderful insight, recognition is the first step, keep going 🙂

– Experienced negative emotions around “letting self down” due to not being able to “trust self”….. (Be gentle with yourself, change is a process it doesn’t happen overnight. You have support).

– “Burned by lack of own intuition about ‘friends’ and built armour around self – especially towards men causing fear, depression, anxiety… But slowly recovering, the more conscious effort is made – enabling self to see what’s really in front of them”….. (Well done, it takes a brave Soul to look at this stuff – know that you’re not alone, keep up the powerful work 🙂

– “Trusting that their body knows what’s best for it and learning to listen to it – enabling self to let go of ‘comfort eating’ during times of stress. Learning to love and trust own body, rather than abusing it”…… (Wow, that’s fantastic!)

– Some “successful conversations and outcomes” when experimenting with Trust and own intuition. Then ignored intuition in same week and missed opportunity. A positive lesson learned about Trust and following up with action – especially after already seeing positive results previously. Trusting inner voice because open to receiving guidance”…… (This is so great, to be able to see the contrasts and to be open to receiving, well done!)

– Many gradually noticing positive effects from practicing their many powers…… (Thank you for sharing, that’s great!)

– “Trusting and therefore able to appreciate where they are and why they are there”……. (Yessss! This is excellent!)

– “Learning to Trust again – out of comfort zone so continuing to use Power to Discern as well”……… (So great to hear you are all playing with your many different other powers & continuing to step out of your comfort zones – huge congratulations)

– Realization that “main lesson / challenge for people entrusted with leadership role is to recognize skills, talents and unique abilities others have to offer. Trust is main quality good leader must display – to delegate appropriately”…… (This is a powerful realization for anyone ready to step into a leadership role – well done!)

– Understanding that Trust begins with self – aware of “just how little self trust there was before applying own powers but is changing and improving constantly”……… (Big pat on the back, fantastic 🙂

Have a wonderful week, I will be back to you shortly with our next power.

Love Annemarie

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