Power to Respect – Part 2…

Hi everyone,

How is your Power to Respect serving you?… One thing we must keep in mind no matter how far off track we may get – that I AM the Master of my mind and my body – my Powers are my servants! We make effort to awaken and connect with our inner powers because we have lost control – renouncing our power somewhere along our journey of living. However, if I am to succeed in anything I start then I need to reclaim, reawaken and strengthen my inner powers. Respect means to know that I have a right and that others have a right to succeed, a right to be happy and a right to feel respected – not in a ‘justified angry’ kind of way – but in a way where self love is clearly evident. When we realise our individual Powers – in particular Respect – we will see that our Powers are meant to serve us, but only when we call on them and exercise them, otherwise they will remain dormant while our confused emotions play havoc with our minds.

Doubting myself, questioning myself, beating myself up, criticising myself, minimising myself all ends up in self sabotage – this is clearly the opposite to Self Respect and I alone can stop it! If we are to cultivate ONE power – let it be Respect! If I understand anything from my constant searching is that, I cannot truly respect myself without first knowing what I am worth. And when I know and believe my own true worth, I can’t help but love myself… Where there is Self Love there is Self Respect and where there is Self Respect there will be Respect for others…

Respect means knowing what I am worth, what others are worth and what life is worth. It means to live a life that reflects that deeper understanding, that inner strength, that ‘Self Sovereignty’ – anything less I will deceive myself and automatically deceive others (an area where we project our deepest insecurities onto the world around us). When we project we blame! Stop pointing the finger today and simply focus on what it means to demonstrate Self Respect – imagine it in your mind’s eye – what does it look like, feel like, taste like?…

Questions to churn on today:

— Do I doubt, question, criticise, minimise or beat myself up?… Why?

— Do I sabotage myself? Am I aware when I’m projecting my insecurities onto my environment?… What do I do when I catch myself?

— What am I worth?…

Lesson: Don’t confuse the true meaning of Respect (high self worth) with the socially conditioned ‘politeness‘ 🙂

love as always, Annemarie xx

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