Hi Everyone,
Already mid October, where does the time go?… We are currently in beautiful Bargara Beach (Bundaberg) to give a talk here today. As I was sitting by the blue ocean while the body is going through another flare, I was willing to at least sit and ‘strategise’ our next part of our journey. When I remembered a beautiful friend recently telling me “Wow, everything you said you were going to do, you’ve done! How do you do it, even with all the pain?” I had to smile, I guess I’ve not contemplated it before, I’ve just done what had to be done. When I need to deal with flares of the body, I usually end up a few paces behind but because I’ve learnt to willingly let go of any outcomes (though at times I still need to work at it) I save myself a lot of anxiety and frustration. I plan, I take action (no matter how small the step may be), I review, I adapt and I keep going, as I fine tune ‘life’ along the way…
Are you achieving at least some of the things you set out to do at the beginning of the year?… If not, don’t be discouraged – but be willing to change. Checking to see if our inner life is producing what we want externally – that our inner work is manifesting in outer abundance – must be undertaken willingly if we are to make significant changes in our life. We must get comfortable with the uncomfortable. We must get familiar with the parts of ourselves we’ve denied, ignored and compromised – through self reflection and self enquiry. If our inner work is not producing what we want in our outer life then we must be willing to look a little closer. This way we can review and adapt, as opposed to beating ourselves up.
We all need to move out of our comfort zone to help us grow, regardless how unsettling it may be. And though we may feel awkward and uncomfortable when we try something new (changing our attitude can be something new), it’s our willingness to work through the discomfort that helps us get past any obstacles, to reach our next goal. This willingness is particularly helpful to those who find stepping outside their comfort zones, tough. Yes, it’s true it takes courage and patience to stay honest because in a world of instant gratification we often feel compelled to do the opposite. So to keep yourself in check while learning and progressing on your wonderful journey of self transformation, never ask anyone to do anything you’re not willing to do yourself! This small action keeps us honest in every way possible while constantly move forward
Changing our own attitude, that is, changing our thought patterns, limiting words or actions and our disempowering beliefs is all about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. And as a bad habit doesn’t like to just give up without a fight, we need to willingly replace it with a different, more empowering one. Otherwise weak moments will pull us back or worse, will never allow us to leave our comfort zone. Willingness is such a beautiful power. For me, it conjures up all kinds of wonderful outcomes and amazing possibilities. Simply by being willing to have a go, to ‘turn up’ in my life each day without resistance, blame, resentments or judgements, but to always give my best, is the best present I can give anyone. Our own personal development is by far the most genuine and thoughtful gift to bestow on another. It’s our own personal development (continually willing to improve ourselves) without expectation, recognition or guilt, that brings the most pleasure for everyone 🙂
Questions to churn on:
- Which other powers can I use to help me become more willing in my life?
- Do I expect others to do anything that I’m not prepared to do myself?
- How often do I step out of my comfort zone – aware of the power that helps me grow?
My life is my mirror and my many powers help me see truth from falsehood. No longer do I need to buy the rubbish of others, as I am no longer willing to make them my own. I am not responsible for the behaviour of others. But rather, I am responsible for world change, which simply starts with me.
I look forward to receiving your contributions.
Much love, Annemarie